1 month agoGARY FETTKE m2 | MODERN DISEASE TSUNAME…80% worldwide on pathway to diabetesDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN a- | STUDIES: eat less saturated fat: Lower testosterone; Lower sperm productionDoctors To Trust
1 year agoMIKE MENTZER e | BASIC START Workout A: 2 sets to failure B: 2 sets to failure 7 days rest betweenDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON 7’ | ABSORPTION: Spinach: iron less than 12% Legumes: iron less than 2%Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON 4’ | WHO report: 2 studies—Red meat v cancer: 0 cases of cancer foundDoctors To Trust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN h6 | ACUTE SPIKES OF HYPERGLYCEMIA: has consequences on ROS; LDL; glycocalyxDoctorsToTrust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN c2 | UNDETECTED DIABETES…studies show 15% plus have T2D, found by CGMsDoctorsToTrust
1 month agoSTEPHEN PHINNEY i1 | ENDRUANCE ON HIGH FAT: cyclists, high fat low carb, performance remained HIGHDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoPAUL MASON 2’ | VEGANISM supported by corruptible, weak epidemiological scienceDoctors To Trust
1 year agoMIKHAILA PETERSON d | “Listen to your body!” Dr says: ‘everyone has that symptom…’Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON f | ANTI-NUTRIENTS in plants: stop nutrient absorption in ALL FOODS eaten at same timeDoctors To Trust
1 year agoCHRIS KNOBBE 1 | 86% fats: oil refinery processed industrial seed oils. also: fix dry eye: vitamin ADoctors To Trust
1 year agoELIZABETH BRIGHT e | Ruminant FAT gives omega 3 & calcium…salmon & sardines OKDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON d | GRAIN-FINISHED MEAT? not inflammatory, but low in omega3, D3, K2Doctors To Trust
1 year agoELIZABETH BRIGHT b | ADRENAL & THYROID dysfunction: go 80% animal fat; 20% animal proteinDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON e- | Am. College Cardiology: “Consume DAIRY, MEAT & EGGS FREELY!”Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON c- | Major study author: we didn’t publish; we didn’t like results!Doctors To Trust