PAUL MASON 4’ | WHO report: 2 studies—Red meat v cancer: 0 cases of cancer found

1 year ago
presents episode 1210 | Dr Paul Mason
LowCarbDownUnder podcast

Beware of anyone showing
-observational research to demonstrate causation
-experimental designs using WEAK surrogate markers
[t h e s e m e t h o d s a r e u s e d t o d e c e i v e]

One target of anti-meat researchers was red meat
'causes bowel cancer’
2015: WHO released report on red & processed meat
Dr Georgia Ede said this was a
"Political Hit Job”
Of more than 800 studies on red meat…
29 were deemed worthy to check:
15=no problems with red meat
Even if majority of these
observational studies had shown
red meat bad: would not prove

The report then turned to experimental evidence…
-it was terribly flawed
-chemical, azoxymethane [known bowel carcinogen]
-injected into clinic rats to induce bowel cancer
1 paper in WHO report:
-60 rats injected w/ azoxymethane
& fed red meat
-ZERO rats developed cancer
-some developed pre-cancers
-in control & meat groups

Second study in WHO report adopted similar methodology…
-rats injected with dimethylhydrazine [strong bowel carcinogen]
-no rats developed bowel cancer
These 2 studies are all the evidence cited by the WHO report
pushing the red meat causes bowel cancer narrative
For processed meats, same
approach used.
*see Georgia Ede's website


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