9 months agoJob 23 Psalm 21:8-13 Proverbs 19:14 Matthew 11:1-19 Luke 7:18-35 Audio Bible Verse Scripture ReadingRaisingMyWildflowers
1 year agoActs 21-24 Satan pretends to be God & convinces us, like Saul that Christ doesn't have all authorityn5rkss
1 year agoRevelation 13, 14. June 3, 2023, the 3rd day of contending for the one true faith from God Eph. 4:5n5rkss
1 year agoRevelation 1 -3 Day 1 of 3 years of pre-Christianity if you can admit Christ has all authority.n5rkss
1 year agoRevelation 17-18 on day 5 the Lord tells us how bad World War III and space weather will be.n5rkss
1 year agoGTA 5 - All Mary Ann Missions ¦ Exercising Demons - Michael, Franklin, Trevor (Gold Medal)Swami420
3 years agoThe Cost of Following Jesus - Calming the Storm and Casting Out the Demon: Mathew 8:18-34dci1456
4 months agoDid Comey Use Honeypots On Trump? Voter Fraud PA, Dual Presidential Transitions? Project DefuseWE ARE THE NEWS (WATN)Verified
1 year agoRevelation 9. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spirits of dead evil men!n5rkss
4 months agoJFK JR KENNEDY Q - @doqholliday I think he's going to make an appearance. #jfkjr #jfk #kennedyVincentFuscoQ
4 months ago🛩️17 miles off Martha's Vineyard 🛩️️ This has been a military op for years. JFK JR KENNEDY Q 🛩️VincentFuscoQ
4 months agoJOHN F KENNEDY JFK JR - EYE OF THE TIGER ^🎶📼Foo Fighters - My HERO - SCOTTY FILMS 📼 MUSIC 🎶 TRUMP 🎶📼VincentFuscoQ