The Lovers are Strong on Creation Energy Vlog

4 months ago

The Lovers are Strong on Creation Energy Vlog title is from the date August 26, 2024 thus 42 which adds to #6 The lovers card a Harmonious Relationship an intuitive and balanced partnership. Strength is from the amplitude and Quality both at eight. Creation is from the Archangel Metatron Self Mastery Oracle deck. Expansion within your life.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News showed us four amplitudes, the first a power of 39 at 4:35 AM UTC thus 12 the hanged man through sacrifice changes his perspective on Justice for all. The second amplitude power of 31 at 6:00 AM UTC thus the lovers are pleased that the Emperor helped them purchase a honeymoon cottage. The third Amplitude power of 71 at 7:30 AM UTC thus the Wheel of fortune come on strong for the DNC. The fourth amplitude power of 24 at 8:30 AM UTC thus Justice is askedfor for the slander the DNC leveled at them. The Quality power of #8 gives us stregth and bravery to face our inner beast , demon or shadow self. The frequency average is 7.77 hertz thus #21 the world or universe card complietion of the hero's Journey.

Space weather showed us a class C CME. a solar wind density of Foru protons per centimeter. Solar wind speed of 275 (KPS). The solar wind temperature was 2,500 Kelvin. The Kp index of geomagnetic activity started out at a high level of 1.75 thus 13 the death rebirth card of transformation. We hit lows of .25 which is dangerously close to having no magnetic activity at all

Shared a bit of the Daily Astro show with meg Moonbeam and put in a plug for Janine and JC beyond the new breaking woo on for a nominal fee of 3.99 USD to watch.

I did two trot card draws the first on the Month of september this year will we see ET visitations. we got a resounding yes with The Ace of Cups it appears the deep state will not do the false flag blue beam thing though. I then pulled on the CEO of Telegram being arrested in france for not allowering a back door access t for government to his site it appears he is attempting to reveaql the corruption in France and elsewhere.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News Site:
Space Weather Site:
Daily AStro Show with Meg Moonbeam:
Byond The NEWs Breaking Woo:

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