Strength Uber Alles Energy Vlog

8 months ago

Strength Uber Alles Energy Vlog Title is from the date the quality adn the frequency all adding to eight the Strength card over all. The date Jumne 12, 2024 gives us 26 which adds to # 8 Teh stregth card tellign us to be strong and brave as we face our demons.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site showed us an amplitde power of 141 at 10:35 AM UTC Thus the Moon in virgo brings forth Justice that is balanced fair and honest. The Quality at a power of 8 give us strength again. The frequency Average is 8.00 hertz Thus strength uber alles as the germans might say.

We had a CME on the backside of the sun when a comet dove into the Sun. The x ray flux was only in the C range. The solar wind density was 4 protons per centimeter. The solar wind speed was 355 kilometers per Second KPS. the temperature of the wind was 50,000 kelvin so piping hot. The KP) index of geomagnetic activity was calm rising to a high of one four times during the day.

I Shared a bit of Meg Moon beams video on the saturn swuare meercury it turns out.
WE went with the Dragon Oracle deck today drawing the Dusky pink dragon from Andromeda card who prepares o allo you chakras to embody higher love. Accept and radiate a higher love tough others with its flame.

This card reminded me of Alex Collier telling us that the andromedans warned the galactic federation of planets that if they did not drive away the dreaco and grays swe would end up being the dreaco storm troopers to rule the galaxy thus we have been aided in ascending into the 5th dimension with this higher love.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather News site:
Daly Astro show with Meg video:
To book a session for healing or insigth go to

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