Rahan. Episode 152. By Roger Lecureux. The Lances of Fire. A Puke(TM) Comic.

6 days ago

Translated by the Son of the Puke Ages.

Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Episode One Hundred and Fifty-Two.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Romero.

The Lances of Fire.

Driven by the wind, the clouds paraded in front of the round moon.
The hunters, petrified with fear, observed the whitish thing that floated above the village.
Although he did not believe in "Spirits", the son of Crao had to face the facts.
This ghostly sorcerer thing was not a cloud.

Anoak-the-Chief has returned from the Shadow Realm! He asks us to drive Rahan out of our territory!

Rank-ho deceives you, brothers! No hunter has ever returned from the “Shadow Realm”!
Rank-Ho harangued the hunters.

That left Rahan roaring.
You should know that Rahan hates to face "Those-who-walk-upright."
But he never bows to the brutality of his brothers!
Argh! Vrang!

Page Two.

Argh! Crak!
Rahan's ardor kept the hunters at bay for a moment.

But, his defense broke, and so there was a melee.
We have you, “Hair of Fire”!

And numbers alone decided the outcome of the fight.
Let us tie this demon to the rock of sacrifices.
I am certain that he will beg us tomorrow to forgive his sacrilege!

The son of Crao was tied to the flat stone of a dolmen.
The wind had ceased and the spirit of the dead chief had disappeared into the sky.

The hunters had fallen asleep in their huts.
What is this "Fire Spear" torture that Rank-ho threatened Rahan with!?

They left Rahan his knife, so they are sure Rahan will not be able to escape them!

Page Three.

The son of Crao had arrived a few days earlier in this village where Rank-Ho claimed to reign over the "Shadows"!

And he had learned how this sorcerer had the strange power to burn from a distance the straw of those who challenged his authority.

This night was long for Rahan.
The sky finally turned pink as the rising sun curled the nearby hills in a fringe.
Rahan will soon know what fate awaits him!

The hunters gathered to observe the torture. And he suddenly let out a cry of pain.

No one had come near him, and yet Rahan had felt a terrible burning, as if his torso had been pierced by a.
Spear of fire!
We will see how long you can resist the "Lances of Fire"! Ha-ha-ha!

The pain did not stop and became excruciating.
And suddenly, Rahan understood.

Page Four.

Something was sparkling on the hill, something whose glare the eyes could not bear.
A "Water Stone"! It is the one that projects the "Fire Spears"!

Rahan had learned, long ago, how a block of quartz could capture the sun and turn it into a ray of fire.

Rahan must resist! Until the sun no longer crosses the "Water Stone"!
The whole clan watched the torture, admiring his courage.

These hunters, do not know the secret of the "Water Stone"! Rank-Ho deceives them!
The sun was slowly rising in Rahan felt no more pain. Cheers broke out.

Rahan resisted the "Fire Lances"! His courage deserves that we give him back his freedom!
Flint axes were already cutting the bonds of the son of Crao.

Irritated, the sorcerer did not oppose his people.
"Fire-Hair" is free.
But if he ever returns to our territory, he will be put to death on the spot!

Page Five.

Shortly after, Rahan disappeared into the forest. He was crossing a clearing when.
So that was Anoak-the-chief's "weapon". The spirit that floats over the village!?

The-Thing-That-Flies-in-the-Wind" Was hit by Rahan's arrow!
But Rank-Ho must have retrieved that arrow!
Rahan could not give the name "Kite" to this assembly of wild boar bladders.

But it was not unknown to him!
The clan of the "white skin country"let them float in the sky to find their camp.

While others would have fled this territory forever, a desire took hold of the son of Crao.
Rahan must unmask Rank-Ho the sorcerer! He must!

Soon after, he had climbed the hill and discovered what he knew he would discover.
The "Water Stone" dominates the village.
When the sun passes through it, the ray of fire just hits the rock of torture!

Rank-Ho the perfidious can also move it and direct the beam on this or that straw hut!
It is the "Water Stone" that gives him the power to set fire to huts from a distance!

Page Six.

Nothing irritated Rahan more than these sorcerers claiming supernatural powers to deceive their clan.
But Rank-Ho will not abuse his people any longer!

The sun was not yet at its zenith when he appeared to the clan.
Look, brothers!
Look what Rank-Ho has taken for the soul of your leader!

Rank-ho takes advantage of the windy nights to make this "thing" hover above the village!

"Fire Hair" has lost his mind! I know nothing about this "Thing"!
You are lying! And Rahan thinks he can prove it!

The son of Crao rushed towards the sorcerer's hut.
He came out almost immediately.
Remember. Rahan was the only one who had an arrow with spotted feathers.

This is the arrow he shot at that "thing" the other night.
How do you explain Rahan finding this arrow in Rank-Ho's hut?

Page Seven.

I will finish you off myself, "Fire-Hair"!
Hoping to surprise Rahan when he was on the alert was stupid.

Rank-Ho had proof of this that was as immediate as it was painful.

And if you still doubt Rahan, he will prove to you that he can be as good a sorcerer as Rank-Ho!

Solemnly, Rahan pointed toward Rank-Ho's hut.
Let the liar Rank-Ho's hut burn!
Rahan wants it.
Rahan demands it!

A light smoke was already rising from the hut.
A flame suddenly burst forth, setting the thatched roof ablaze.
Fear not, brothers! Rahan is neither a sorcerer nor a demon!

He simply shows you how Rank-Ho has been fooling you for too long!
The sorcerer’s hut was nothing more than a torch.

Page Eight.

It was with a "Water Stone" that the deceitful Rank-Ho set fire to the huts of those who did not accept his authority.

I should have killed you on the first day "Fire-Hair"! But it is not too late!

Once again, the treacherous Rank-Ho had not been quick enough to surprise Rahan.

Rank-Ho has lied to us all along!
What he claimed to be the "Soul of the Dead" Was nothing but vulgar "Boars" bladders!
And he also deceived us by pretending to burn down our huts by his will alone.
His only magic power.
Rank-Ho must die!

The hunters were going to strike, to kill the one who had so long abused their trust.
No! Pity! Pity!
Wait brothers!
Do not kill the coward!

Page Nine.

Rahan knows another way to punish him!
Let him suffer in turn this ordeal that he had imagined!
Let him suffer in turn "The spears of fire"!

Then you will banish him from the clan, but you will spare his life!
Promise it to Rahan!
We promise you, brother!

Rahan, shortly after, moved the block of quartz, directing the ray of sunlight towards the dolmen where the sorcerer had been tied up.
He will only suffer for a moment.
The time for the sun to move a little!

There were already screams. Rank-Ho the liar, Rank-Ho the perfidious, was paying his debt.
Ouch. Release me! Pity! Pity! Ouch!

Rahan did not hear these cries.
He knew from experience that the ordeal of the "Fire Lances" did not last long. For Rank-Ho, it was only a just punishment that was well deserved.
The son of Crao was happy about it and that is why he was so joyfully running down the hill towards the unknown, towards other horizons, towards other adventures.

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