Revelation 9. Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against spirits of dead evil men!

1 year ago

There has always only been one Lord, one faith and one immersion of the water and the Spirit. the Roman apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3 of, every wind of the doctrine of men, denies that Christ has all authority and is the only mediator between Elohim and man Jer. 10:23; Matt. 7:21ff; 1 Tim. 2:5.

The Roman apostasy, the second great fall of humanity away from the ways of Elohim Gen. 2:17-4:12; 2 Thess. 2:3 was men's chance to see if we could save ourselves from ourselves and the opportunity to learn how desperately we need Christianity, the Bible, the perfect Mediator, and King. The subjective truth, pseudo-science Gnosticism and heresies of men are what we need salvation from Acts 2:40; Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30.

The complicated thing about the Bibles of men was our Lord gave us a strong delusion and hid His face, power, glory, majesty, and love while intervening behind the scenes so we could survive until the second coming of the Lord. The world could not have survived the Lord hiding His face Ezek 39:25-29 this long if He had not granted some wisdom from above in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with its checks and balances.

Satan was the first preacher of men, as recorded in the Book of Job Rom. 5:12. The Lord gave Satan great power and stepped back, so he could convince Job that he was Jehovah. Job, believing that Satan was Elohim, thought he knew Elohim and could question and argue with Elohim 2 Cor. 2:11. For the last 1680 years, Satan, a demon and the antichrist, along with other spirits of dead evil men, have pretended to be Elohim, fallen angels, aliens, lizard people, or whatever it took so that we could try out every wind of the doctrine of men Rev. 6:4-. Now the Lord, just as He asked Job, asked modern men the 40 questions He asked Job 38:1ff.

We know the ways of Elohim are back, and the second coming of the Lord is at hand because Satan is identified, by the Sword of the Spirit, as the man of sin and the second horseman of the apocalypse 2 Thess. 2:3; Rom. 5:12.

Under the second horseman's reign over men Rev. 6:4, you can preach, judge, and rule over men with any wind of the doctrine of men, but the world will hate you, as it hated and murdered Christ, if you teach that only Christ can preach the gospel of the kingdom Matt. 4:23 that Christ has all authority or is the only mediator/preacher between Elohim and men. As a watchman over the one true faith, the world hates me because the Sword of the Spirit that Christ brings for His second coming is sharper than any two-edged sword.

Christ rules over the Kingdom of Elohim for one day, to Him. It is 1,000 years for men, divided into two ages by the Roman apostasy 2 Thess. 2:3; Eph. 2:7; 2 Pet. 3:8.

THE PRIZE in about 2066 AD. Revelation 8 is Christ's outline of the book of Revelation. Here the emphasis is on the prize, victory in Jesus, at His second coming. This is the answer to the Lord's example prayer Matt. 6:5-15.

THE BEGINNING. Revelation 9 is Christ's outline of Acts 1-12. This is the first ten years of the second age of Christianity and the first woe of spiritual warfare for us from 2026 - 2035 AD. THE STRETCH. Revelation 10-11 is Christ's outline of Acts 13-Judas. This is the last thirty years of the kingdoms of men. and the second woe of spiritual warfare from 2036 - 2065 AD.

THE PREPPING of pre-Christianity. Revelation 12 is Christ's outline of Matt.-John. The Lord gives us an overview of the New Testament so we can start getting organized in pre -Christianity for the 40 years of the Christian race 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Micah 7:15 Now from 2023 - 2025 AD.

Rev. 7

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