1 year ago20240228 Day 689 Part-1 - The Rubicon Primaris, - LifeFitness Bike Conditioning, BIG PR!! Abs & Backsergeantmatcscs
11 months ago20240319 Day 709 Part-1 - Lifefitness Stepmill, Back Extensions & Toes to Barsergeantmatcscs
11 months ago20240328 Day 718 Part-1 - The Long War, - LifeFitness Bike Conditioning, Toes to Barsergeantmatcscs
1 year ago20240227 Day 688 Part-1 - The Rubicon Primaris, - LifeFitness Bike Conditioning, Abs & POs. Chainsergeantmatcscs
1 year ago20240217 Day 678 Part-4 - FAQs: “I’ve locked in good habits. What supplements should I take?”sergeantmatcscs