20240225 Day 686 Part-1 - Precor Bike Conditioning, - Firstborn Trials,

1 year ago

20240225 Day 686 Part-1
Precor Bike Conditioning,
Firstborn Trials,
25Km/15.5Mi Distance Goal,
Sub-52:00 Minutes Time Goal,
Level-10 Resistance,
368-400 Watts FTP,
BW: 153.7Lbs/69.863Kg,
5.267-5.725 Watts/Kg FTP,
20:36, 278Kcal @10Km/6.22Mi First Checkpoint,
41:07, 558Kcal @20Km/12.44Mi Second Checkpoint,
51:03, 703Kcal @25Km/15.55Mi Endpoint,
Sub-52:00 Minutes Time/Distance Goal: Attained
The difference between the Precor and Lifefitness model bikes is stark. The amount of effort per pedal/stroke is significantly greater on the Precor but it gives you a bit of a momentum reward akin to actually riding on a road. This allows you to kind of coast if you aren’t trying, but it makes sustaining higher outputs painfully uncomfortable.
I managed to do the first 20 Kilometers at 400 Watts and couldn’t get Sub-20:00 Minutes at 10K and Sub-41:00 Minutes at 20K!! I have in the past but only a handful of times and just barely. It’s VERY HARD to make it to 30K in under an hour on this device with the resistance at Level-10.
Give it a try my Conditioning Aficionados. It’s a fun little Pig cause’ the resistance coefficient makes it equal parts cardio as it is the muscular endurance of your quads and hamstrings. Can’t buffer lactate good? You’re in for a bad time 😆
People are counting on you so take care of yourself.
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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