1 year agoPAUL MASON d | GRAIN-FINISHED MEAT? not inflammatory, but low in omega3, D3, K2Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON e | HbA1C elevated? if CARNIVORE, red blood cells: LIVING LONGER!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON c- | Major study author: we didn’t publish; we didn’t like results!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON g | ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUE can be reversed! Get metabolically healthyDoctors To Trust
3 months agoPAUL MASON p8 | FAT LOSS PLATEAU? …if eating HEALTHY LOW CARB: likely increased bone & muscleDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoPAUL MASON f | LDL critical for LIFE! When damaged by oxidative stress becomes DEADLYDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON a | SATURATED FAT RAISES cholesterol to HEATHY LEVELS [veggie oils damage LDL]Doctors To Trust
2 years agoPAUL MASON | CLASSIC: Any oil that is liquid at room temp WILL OXIDIZE! Better to use animal fatsDoctors To Trust
5 months agoPAUL MASON| TOP HIT 34 LDL TEST? CAREFUL! …small, dense is problem: go by TG/HDL ratioDoctorsToTrust
3 months agoPAUL MASON p7 | CGM INFO: FANTASTIC …tells EXACTLY what foods SPIKE BLOOD GLUCOSEDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoEx-Master Mason Exposing His Own Ignorant Low Masons. The Higher Degrees Tell them It's the Jesuits & Rothschilds. Like they Would Tell Their Own Neophytes The Truth? Hoodwinked Boneheads!KingStreetNews
2 years agoPAUL MASON 5a | PLANT STEROL, not cholesterol, LIKELY CAUSES atherosclerosisDoctors To Trust
4 months agoPAUL MASON o1 | ARTHRITIC KNEE? FATTY LIVER! …liver fat is FIRST TO GO when dieting low carbDoctorsToTrust
2 years agoDr Paul Mason: Cannot recommend fat that is liquid at room temperature,unless blood sugar controlledDoctors To Trust
2 years agoDR PAUL MASON | LDL becomes damaged by: 1. veggie oils [seed oil] & 2. high blood sugar!Doctors To Trust