PAUL MASON 2a | High triglycerides; low HDL: risk factors for BLOOD CLOTS

2 years ago
presents episode 673 | Dr Paul Mason
Low Carb Down Under podcast

Within atherosclerotic plaques are blood clots:
-platelets [play key role initiating blood clotting]
-fibrin [fibrous strands binds it all together]

Study: removed sections of plaque...
-found evidence of all these ingredients
-found proof of red blood cells DEEP WITHIN PLAQUE

New England Journal of Medicine...
2003 article:
-clearly describes central
accumulation of red blood
membrane within the plaques
Animals, injected with blood,
produced plaques having both
-cholesterol crystals
-foam cells

blood clots central to development of atherosclerosis
"Clotting risk must also be risk for atherosclerosis

Question: Do lipids have anything to do with clotting?

High triglycerides & low HDL are risk factors for heart disease
Question: do these metrics have any association with clotting?
Dozens of papers show connection of lipids and clotting

Low HDL removes the break on clot formation
Oxidized LDL [small, dense] promotes platelet clumping &
-tissue factor--stimulates clotting

Key: What we consider lipid risk factors are actually:
clotting risk factors
High triglycerides;
low HDL: independent risk factors for clotting


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