1 year agoJAY VINCENT 6 | FAST TWITCH MUSCLE FIBERS only recruited near fatigue failureDoctors To Trust
1 year agoJAY VINCENT 6 | FAST TWITCH MUSCLE FIBERS only recruited near fatigue failureDoctors To Trust
1 year agoANTHONY CHAFFEE h | BRAIN: 70% FAT prefers KETONES over glucose CHILDREN: MUST USE THEM!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoKEN SIKARIS c | LDL: healthy, normal LDL & high TG? trouble: becomes PLAQUE in vessel wallsDoctors To Trust
1 year agoKEN SIKARIS c’ | small, dense LDL correlates w/ ALL cardiovascular risk markersDoctors To Trust
1 year agoJAY VINCENT a | BASIC WORKOUT: -all major muscle groups. -volume/frequency for youDoctors To Trust
1 year agoELIZABETH BRIGHT b | ADRENAL & THYROID dysfunction: go 80% animal fat; 20% animal proteinDoctors To Trust
1 year agoELIZABETH BRIGHT g | FOOD ADDICTION begins in childhood: fat metabolism deficiencyDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL MASON a- | “Your doctor may be unaware of corruption in ‘expert-reviews’Doctors To Trust
1 year agoLISA WIEDEMAN c | PROCESSED FOODS [flour, sugar, oil] root of obesity, cancer, T2D, strokeDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDAVID PERLMUTTER 1 | GOUT: quercetin & luteolin NEARLY as effective as drugsDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNADIR ALI 1’ | Give patient data on statin benefits [0.6%] to decide vs low carb, fast, exerciseDoctors To Trust