KEN SIKARIS c’ | small, dense LDL correlates w/ ALL cardiovascular risk markers

1 year ago
presents episode 1081 | Dr Ken Sikaris
Low Carb Down Under podcast

VLDL, fat-rich particle, crashes into LDL, it's 'child'
LDL takes fat from VLDL....leading it to become small, dense
-rejected by liver, so stays in blood stream
but predict it from TG
-high TG=more sdLDL
If TG 2.5 mmol/L
[[221 mg/dL]

LDL, when staying blood changes through
-oxidation; glycation
-taken up by immune system's macrophages
-these are in vessel walls
-keep blood clean
-when too much, it clogs
vessel walls with plaque
Pictures of LDL particles
-when small, dense they
cannot enter liver

"small & dense" means slightly smaller than LDL
PICTURE: A vs B is actual relative size difference
-very subtle change in size will be rejected by liver
-26 nanometers vs 24
The presence of sdLDL
correlates with all
cardiovascular risk markers
-blood pressure
-insulin & glucose levels

Blood lipid test showing all particle sizes and types...
for this patient:
-smallest is HDL
-has low levels small, dense LDL
-has LDL, IDL, and VLDL
Transformation route is
Everyone has IDL, but it is
not included in calculating
This patient is beginning to
have sdLDL


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