Eric Berg

1 year ago

K2 comes from bacteria....
-grass contains K1, eaten by cows
converts into K2 with help of
-stored in body fat
-if eating low fat, or taking meds
that block cholesterol, may be low
in vitamin K2

Food highest in K2 is cheese...
[#1 is actually natto, from Japan,
fermented soybeans]
Muenster cheese has most K2 of
all cheeses, from France using
raw milk
Cheese has MK-4 to MK-9 versions
of vitamin K2
-hard, raw, European

Concerned about governmental
warnings about high cholesterol
from saturated fat in cheese?
"Anything related to health as
recommended by the government,
might not be true"
-are government bodies influenced
by outside groups?
Y. E. S.

Besides cheese, grass-fed butter
-much more than grain-fed butter
Go for grass-fed & grass-finished
-vitamins K2, A, E, D3
great for any bone problems

K2 in goose & duck liver
-duck fat
-beef & lamb liver,
-ground beef,
-grass-fed hot dogs
-bacon [high quality]
"Pork has most K2 of all meats"
-cod liver oil

Great for children & breast-feeding
-cheese & butter & cod liver oil
[if child insists on toast, smother
it in butter!]
"Will help them avoid BRACES &
improve entire HEALTH"


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