3 months agoRahan. Episode 131. By Roger Lecureux. The Barrage of Demons. A Puke (TM) Comic.PukeOnABook
1 year agoDirect Imaging of Extrasolar Planets. Thayne Currie,2023. A Puke (TM) AudioPaperPukeOnAPlate
7 months agoTesting Theories of American Politics, Gilens and Page 2014. A Puke(TM) AudiopaperPukeOnAPlate
6 months agoRoe et al versus wade, district attorney of Dallas county. A Puke (TM) AudiopaperPukeOnAPlate
1 year agoBiological Functions of Autophagy Genes. Beth Levine and Guido Kroemer. A Puke(TM) Audiopaper.PukeOnAPlate
1 year agoUnravelling the health effects of fasting, 2020 Françoise Wilhelmi de Toledo, and others.PukeOnAPlate
8 months agoDebris Disks: Structure, Composition, and Variability. A Puke(TM) Audiopaper.PukeOnAPlate
1 year agoThe radiation of a uniformly accelerated charge: Camila de Almeida. A Puke (TM) AudiopaperPukeOnAPlate
7 months agoThe theory of Stellar Evolution. George W Collins 2003 A Puke(TM) Audiopaper.PukeOnAPlate
7 months agoAstrobiologically Interesting Stars. Gustavo Porto de Mello. A Puke(TM) Audiopaper.PukeOnAPlate