The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | 61 Updates You Need to Know NOW Including: The Russian "Doomsday" Submarine, HR 748 CARES Act, Yuval Noah Harari Speaks at the Brave New World Conference, Etc.
Puerto Rican, black, Mexican, professor, civil rights leader, 18-wheeler & bus driver, Catholic Jewish Baptist Biden: "I had a very close relationship with the Greek American community, for real! I mean, real! In the church there!"
Brain Transparency & CBDCs | "Is It a Future You Are Ready for? It's a Future That Has Already Arrived." - Nita A. Farahany (Futurist and Duke Professor of Law & Philosophy Speaking at the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)
Dutch Production: Zijn de ultrarijken de nieuwe fascisten? - Are the ultra wealthy the new fascists? | VPRO Tegenlicht | Multi lingual with English Subs