Dr Rima Laibow & Maria Zee – Global Depopulation Agenda – “The Battle for the Existence of Humanity”

11 hours ago

***MUST SEE → “They want to cut the population by 90% and compress the remaining serfs into 1% of the world’s land mass.” “You will never get to go on the 99% of the planet again.” “It’s about time for the Great Culling.”

Dr. Rima Laibow – “The Jabs were designed to Transfect, they were designed to be Contagious, they were Patented to be Infectious.”

Dr. Rima Laibow – “We are in a Battle for the Existence of Humanity as We Know it.”

Dr. Rima Laibow has NEVER in here entire career prescribed a Pharmaceutical Prescription Drug.

She learned on Day 1 that ALL Pharmaceutical Drugs on have Side Effects and they All work by the SAME Mechanism – the Poison Enzyme Systems.

If you like the results you call it a “Therapeutic Benefit” if you don’t you call it a Side Effect.

BUT – there are ONLY Side Effects.

Enzymes are the cells of Life – so how are drugs helping if all they do is poison enzyme systems?

Dr. Rima Laibow asked her professor this question and her professor bascially said “sit down and shut up.”

She told herself – “I will not do that.”

Dr. Rima told herself she will always find a better way to treat her patients – WITHOUT Prescription Drugs. She wanted to HELP People without Poisoning them with drugs.

Dr. Laiobow’s treatments including using Frequencies, Biofeedback, Nutrition, Detoxification and Intravenous Vitamin & Mineral Therapy and she had wonderful success in a way conventional doctors rarely do.

She said she was having weekly miracles.

People took notice of this and before she knew it, they were coming to her from around the world. She didn’t advertise, she didn’t tell them what she did, it spread by WORD of MOUTH which is the very best advertising one can get.

Desperate people will ask all of their friends and that’s how it all took off.

People were getting healthy when they were told by conventional doctors that they just had to live with the condition, take drugs and manage the symptoms to “slow” progression.

The Elite began to take notice of these miracles and how Dr. Rima’s patients were getting better.

A Head of State came to see her a she had chronic health issues – and Dr. Rima was able to correct this condition.

One day in 2002 that same head of state said “You know, it’s almost time for the great culling to begin.” “The culling of the Useless Eaters.”

Lots of good stuff in this one.

John D. Rockefeller’s take over of the entire Medical World and labeled Natural Medicine as Quackery.

He created the Pharmaceutical Conventional Medicine, which is POISON.

Dr. Rima Laibow explains how evil Nazi’s were placed in head positions in these Big Pharma companies.

These are the people that are supposedly making us “healthy” – allegedly, many of know better, but that is the great lie.

These same f*ckers decided to try to control the FOOD of the world.

Henry Kissinger “He who controls the food, controls the people.”

Henry Kissinger was about as evil as can be and he was buds with Donald Trump – “Trump needs to apply his skills to the International Situation.”

Trump on Kissinger: “Henry Kissinger has been a friend of mine, I’ve liked him, I’ve respected him, we’ve been friends for a long time, long before my emergence in the world of politics, we know each other very well, a man I have great, great respect for, a man of immense talent, experience and knowledge, I would talk to Henry before the election about the other countries and we’ve made a lot of progress with them.”

I mean hello – that should say it all, he is saying I’ve worked with Henry before on the Agenda and now we are working together now – Trump said all of this back in 2017.

For those who think Trump is the savior – your 100% WRONG. He is supporting the scum politicians in my state right now.

These powerful f*ckers would not even allow Trump in the picture frame of politics unless they hadn’t formulated a meticulous plan to use him to achieve their agenda objectives.

In 1952 the United Nations were told by these Nazi’s to try and take over the World’s Food Supply.

Codex Alimentarius -- The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines, and other recommendations published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations relating to food, food production, food labeling, and food safety.

This was the start of all of it.

It was for our “Safety.”

The Codex Alimentarius was set up with the WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization (which are private companies) – both funded by Bill Gates today – both were created to make us SICK.

BUT – both are presented to the public as making us “healthy.”

This is the Global Cartel / Cabal / Elites who are in power and wanting more and more control of all of the masses.

It’s all one big happy cartel.

The sicker you are the more money they make, the more power they have and the more control they have.

They seriously want to cut the world’s population by 90%.

They want to compress the remaining serfs into 1% of the world’s land mass.

Each person will be allotted 16 square meters as their living space.

Klaus Schwab – “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

What he is saying is that they will create scenarios in which the take everything away from you and will allot you 16 square meters of space, they will tell us what we eat, they will tell us what to think, what to do, you will have no cars, you will have a bike or access to the transit system, you will never be able to go on the 99% of the planet again.

They want to “RESERVE the rest of the planet for the Animals.” They want to “Re-Wild the planet.

We will have synthetic food so we don’t use up any land, it will be one happy prison with the remaining 10% of the population.

They want to ban people from growing their own food right now with their f*cking Fake Science – just saw an article that said “Carbon footprint of homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally.” *See Source #4 below.

The study found individual garden infrastructure responsible for increased levels of CO2.

In 2006 the Governments of the World signed an Agreement with the WHO – not a Ratification – for a Level 4 Pandemic. If a level 4 pandemic occurs (which is undefined) all world governments devolves to the World Health Organization.

This means that you can toss your constitution in the trash because your country just sold you out.

Now I believe that states can refuse this if they have some good governors and representatives that actually care what is going on. We shall see because this will be tested.

The WHO and global elite want the world governments to follow the International Health Regulations – they want a one world order of healthcare in which all orders are given from ONE command center and this was tested during Covid when all the idiotic “leaders” of the world took their orders from the WHO – International Health Regulators.

Dr. Rima says that the International Health Regulations is a SEPARATE Agency and are NOT the World Health Organization. They have their own Government and their own budget – but it sounds like they are funded by the same man, Bill Gates.

Dr. Rima Laibow – “Biden or Trump, it doesn’t matter, they are all Sock Puppets of the Globalist Master.”

Dr. Rima Laibow – “The Jabs were designed to Transfect, they were designed to be Contagious, they were Patented to be Infectious.”

***This has now been PROVEN that the Jabs were designed to Transfect, to Infect, to be Contagious – the jabs WERE the Infection -- See This → ***Dr. Naomi Wolf Reveals Shocking Details found in “The Pfizer Papers” – Pfizer’s Crimes vs Humanity -- https://rumble.com/v5in5r9-dr.-naomi-wolf-reveals-shocking-details-found-in-the-pfizer-papers-pfizers-.html

Dr. Laibow says that both the Spike Protein and the mRNA are capable of replicating.

Almost 70% of the world were DUPED into taking these jabs.

Dr. Rima – “This is Vaccine Slaughter.”

This will make the Black Death look like a walk in the park down the road.

Dr. Rima Laibow – “They are creating a Man-Made Famine.”

Dr. Rima says that the infrastructure around the world will collapse at the same time. They want to make people so desperate that they will accept an Evil Offer from the very Global Government causing all of this.

We will have NO choice. There may be those who don’t agree and they will be hunted down in the break away civilizations.

Guns won’t matter against their EMF technology in which they can specifically target your eyeballs from 40,000 feet above and disable you.

We are not there yet. We still have hope.

But we must know that this is an intentional holocaust. It’s a quiet holocaust that gets no media attention because the media is in their prison under their control.

Our existence is at stake here. Our genome is at stake.

They want us sick and tired so we can’t fight and will easily comply.

Dr. Rima Laibow – “We are in a Battle for the Existence of Humanity as We Know it.”

Dr. Rima was married to General Albert Stubblebine who served for 32 years. She says he was murdered.


1. Dr. Rima Laibow – DEVASTATING! 90% of the Global Population Will Die – Globalist Agenda -- https://zeeemedia.com/interview/dr-rima-laibow-devastating-90-of-the-global-population-will-die-globalist-agenda/

2. Dr. Rima Laibow Podcast -- www.opensourcetruth.com/ost-podcast/

3. Dr. Rima Truth Reports – Rumble – https://rumble.com/c/DrRimaTruthReports

4. “Carbon footprint of homegrown food five times greater than those grown conventionally” -- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/22/carbon-footprint-homegrown-food-allotment-increase/

5. Dr. Rima Laibow’s Husband – General Stubblebine -- https://www.ikn.army.mil/apps/MIHOF/biographies/Stubblebine,%20Albert.pdf


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Thank You!!

END. 10/23/2024 – 9:00 PM

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