Jordan Peterson And Ben Shapiro Are ‘Smart Guys’ For Dumb People

2 years ago

Why do hyper-masculine men glom onto a couple of public 'intellectuals' that sound like a 10-year-old boy and a puppet frog?

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Dumb and poor I can see how people take ben shabibo and Jordan Peterson seriously with how their voices sound. like they appeal to the same group that loves projecting traditional men and [ __ ] like that. How the f do people who fetishize big scary men worship dudes who sound like a whiny ten-year-old and Kermit the frog? It's remarkable. they see themselves in them for the most part. I find the Kermit thing to be endearing. I think that if he was like I said all the time if he didn't go down this weird path he would be a very good college professor. People loved that class. like oh, the professor sounds like Kermit. It'd be really easy to remember the information. But that's certainly already endearing to people like us who think it's funny and interesting. But like his target audience should hate him being a manly man. Yet they seem to follow his words. I mean really it shows that their problem isn't with like you know the professorial class or like you know college. It's not that. They just wanted one for themselves. They wanted an intellectual who appealed to them. like they still want that trope of an intellectual. which Jordan Peterson gladly fills. but they wanted to be someone who speaks to them. and that's where Peterson comes in. That's why they want their own celebrities too, right? like they hate that the left has the dominant and that dominates the celebrity culture. or excuse. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. and I forgot about Kirk Cameron. right right so they probably have chris pratt. they probably have chris pratt. so that's definitely their biggest guy I think. I don't know if Chris Pratt recently came out in an interview saying how he doesn't understand why everyone thinks he's so religious. He hates religion. It causes all these problems. which might have been something he was told to say by his manager but yeah. That doesn't conflict a little with him going on like every talk show talking about how much he loves Jesus. posting cross crosses on his Instagram etc. right. but he's different but then if that's the case he has to kowtow to the woke mob. which means he is not a good right-wing representative of a celebrity.

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