Sam Seder’s favorite argument debunked

1 year ago

Sam Seder’s favorite argument debunked

One of the divorcee Sam Seder’s favorite arguments & an argument that is overused by a lot of folks is to find “someone on ‘the other side’ that agrees with me, where’s my Risperdal, I win” argument.

The divorcee will employ some very flexible & speedy moving goalposts to get around this argument. The divorcee will trot out a few Republicans that disagree with “X” & by golly, that means something, even though Republicans are liars.

David Brock admitting to knowingly & willfully lying for years, but the only thing that changed was his political affiliation, he still has a lot of mental issues & he still needs his head examined.

When Tulsi Gabbard shed the fetters of the Demoncrat Party, the divorcee brushed that away by declaring her a Fox News Pundit, so that doesn’t count. I would presume the 2 state lawmakers in West Virginia & one in North Carolina that switched from Dumocrat to GOP over the past several months do not count either, but they weren’t Fox News Pundit.

Was Juan Williams a Fox News Pundit? Was Bob Beckel a Fox New Pundit?

I made this point in a video: Even FDR believed that education was a state task, ergo the Federal Dept. of Education is unconstitutional. Is my argument more true because FDR agreed? Not really. The Federal Dept. of Education is unconstitutional, whether every Democrat POTUS or no Democrat POTUS ever agreed with me & I made that point in the video.

Democrats regularly decry “Dark Money in Politics”, while spending loads of dark money to end the Senate filibuster – usually excreted by fly-by-night, we’ll be gone in a year “concerned citizen” groups. Reminds me of the roofers from out-of-state that show up in a town after a massive hail storm damages hundreds of homes & they’re here to fix it for you & then never show up again.

Some of us realize the limitations of these arguments when we turn thirty & then some of us are well-beyond middle aged divorcees with no life outside of Twitter & YouTube – still using those arguments as if they are the ultimate UNO card.

So, if finding “some on the other side that thinks my argument is full of **it” constitutes something, what does say ye old man?

PS Sam Seder has refused to use his internet show to *attempt* to debunk my essays on why the most violent cities in America have loads of black on black homicide & why they vote Democrat the vast majority of the time. Why is that?

PPS Sam Seder is afraid #samseder #majorityreport to debate my friend James Patrick Holding on The Impossible Faith. Methinks the divorcee has little confidence in that religion degree from a diploma mill

PPPS The next time the divorcee Sam Seder talks about evil Republicans, violent Republicans ask him about the point I made in “PS” & then throw this at him

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