2 years agoEp. 237: Pharmacist Dr. Jen VanDeWater Spills the TRUTH About Big Pharma & Patient HealthMoses Lake Professional Pharmacy
5 months agoJASON FUNG f2 | FAT LOSS …avoid calories that spike INSULIN, they immediately store as fat…RATIONALDoctorsToTrust
3 months agoRAY DORSEY t4 | PARAQUAT PARKINSONS ……farmers 150% higher risk well water drinkers 75%DoctorsToTrust
1 year agoKEN SIKARIS a’ | CHYLOMICRONS; LDL; HDL—natural, healthy…if not we are incredibly sickDoctors To Trust
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8 months agoDo Vaccines Contain Lipid Nanocapsule & Nanosphere Payloads That Can Be Activated By 5G & AI?Waking the World up