1 year ago

Welcome to my channel, jean Hosking, Prophetess, I deliver words from the Lord, only truth from scripture is told here, Matt. 24:6, Isaiah 60, 2 Chron. 7:12-21, nations rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, a call to repentance from God, mercy, salvation, redemption, deliver, God's ways are much higher than ours, God is all knowing and seeing, rebellion, God will not be mocked, arise, deep darkness covers the earth and the people, lovers of money, self-seeking, worshipping baal, false gods, demon gods, seek God, Isaiah 43, God never changes, stop seeking satan for knowledge through sorcery, fortune tellers, only seek God for truth, light shines brighter in darkness, do not fear, remnant arise, we are weak, Jesus is our strength, beware of yoga, you are positioning yourself to open demonic doors, victory, freedom, meditate on the Word! Our creator in heaven is compassionate, loving, and merciful, offering infinite grace to all. He is wise, omniscient, and possesses perfect understanding of all things. Our creator is just, ensuring that fairness and righteousness prevail in all his judgments. He is powerful, able to bring forth creation and perform miraculous acts. Our creator is eternal, existing beyond the bounds of time and space. He is holy, pure, and without blemish. He is faithful, never failing to keep his promises and steadfastly guiding those who trust in him. Our creator is gentle, tenderly caring for the brokenhearted and comforting the weary. He is patient, enduring with us in our shortcomings and granting us opportunities for growth. Our creator is majestic, encompassing the splendor and beauty of all creation. He is sovereign, ruling over all things and orchestrating events according to his divine plan. Our creator is gracious, bestowing abundant blessings upon his children. He is unchanging, providing a constant anchor in a world of uncertainty. Our creator is present, always near to those who seek him and intimately involved in their lives. He is the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Our creator is the embodiment of love, extending his love to humanity through his Son, Jesus Christ, jean Hosking, God's judgment is absolute, righteous, and fair, comma. It transcends human understanding, comma. It encompasses all actions and intentions, Separating truth from falsehood, It unveils hidden secrets, Exposing every deceitful scheme, It discerns the depths of the heart, comma. Weighing motives and desires It rewards the righteous, Uplifting the humble and contrite, It punishes the wicked, Bringing justice and retribution, God's judgment is inevitable, It pierces through time and space, So let us seek His mercy and grace, And live in reverence and awe, For the day of judgment draws near, Praise the Lord!

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