Dr George Fareed's patient testimonials

2 years ago

Dr George Fareed treated more than 7000 COVID-19 patients using hydroxychloroquine and/or ivermectin in combination with several other medications, following the principles of the Zelenko protocol and the McCullough protocol. These are some of his patient testimonials posted on twitter. I am archiving them here because it is only a matter of time before they get censored.

July 30, 2022 update: Dr. Fareed's testimonials have been censored again by Twitter. Ask yourself why do they not want you to have access to this information? What else are they hiding from you?

Dr. George Fareed's website

Story on Dr. Fareed's academic background and career:

B. Tyson and G. Fareed, "Overcoming the Covid darkness. How two doctors successfully treated 7,000 patients", 2021, ISBN: 979-8-9855583-0-2.

research papers on COVID-19
P.A. McCullough, P.E. Alexander, R. Armstrong, C. Arvinte, A.F. Bain, R.P. Bartlett, R.L. Berkowitz, A.C. Berry, T.J. Borody, J.H. Brewer, A.M. Brufsky, T. Clarke, R. Derwand, A. Eck, J. Eck, R.A. Eisner, G.C. Fareed, A. Farella, S.N.S. Fonseca, C.E. Geyer, Jr., R.S. Gonnering, K.E. Graves, K.B.V. Gross, S. Hazan, K.S. Held, H. Thomas Hight, S. Immanuel, M.M. Jacobs, J.A. Ladapo, L.H. Lee, J. Littell, I. Lozano, H.S. Mangat, B. Marble, J.E. McKinnon, L.D. Merritt, J.M. Orient, R. Oskoui, D.C. Pompan, B.C. Procter, C. Prodromos, J.C. Rajter, J-J. Rajter, C. V.S. Ram, S.S. Rios, H.A. Risch, M.J.A. Robb, M. Rutherford, M. Scholz, M.M. Singleton, J.A. Tumlin, B.M. Tyson, R.G. Urso, K. Victory, E.L. Vliet, C.M. Wax, A.G. Wolkoff, V. Wooll, V. Zelenko. "Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)", Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine 21 (4) (2020), 517-530
P.E. Alexander, R. Armstrong, G. Fareed, K.K. Gill, J. Lotus, R. Oskoui, C. Prodromos, H.A. Risch, H.C. Tenenbaum, C.M. Wax, P.A. McCullough. "Early Multidrug Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) and Reduced Mortality Among Nursing Home Residents", Medical Hypotheses 153 (2021), 110622

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