JASON FUNG f2 | FAT LOSS …avoid calories that spike INSULIN, they immediately store as fat…RATIONAL

12 days ago

JASON FUNG f2 | FAT LOSS …avoid calories that spike INSULIN, they immediately store as fat…RATIONAL
presents episode 2148 | DR JASON FUNG

It is simply that some foods are more fattening than others...
'I ate too much junk food; too many cookies'
-it is not calories, it is insulin
Fat gain is Excess Insulin, so, how to lower it?
-eat foods that Do Not Stimulate insulin
-this was popular advice 50 years ago
Insulin is hormone tells body to store fat
-have too much due to eating foods that
stimulate it more than should

Many diseases are also due to too much insulin...
Example: T2D
-measure insulin? It Is SKY HIGH
-it must be lowered
Or will lead to heart attacks, stroke other
chronic diseases, including cancer
It is not excess calories
-eat excess broccoli, no weight gain
-does not stimulate insulin, so body
will burn the calories
-body will turn off hunger signals

If, however, eat food that is very stimulating for insulin...
Example: 100 calories: white bread & jam vs egg
bread & jam will spike insulin HIGH; egg will not
Eat 100c bread & jam: insulin tells body Store All Calories
-100c goes directly into fat stores
-all gone, nothing left for energy
-2 hours later, 'I have no energy!!'
-it all got stored away
-cannot be used
-makes you want to eat more now
Eat 100c eggs, not all stored, not hungry!

Those that say it is calories, calories...
"What are you talking about [and who paid you to say so?]"
The reaction of the body is completely Different
depending on what you eat
By ignoring the effect of hormones, it is a
set up for people to simply watch calories
[notice all the menus and labels have
calories in LARGE TYPEFACE?]



Original video: https://youtu.be/8-P0fzUnk6k?si=7t0FJXd8DNW1nRMj

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