1. How to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!

    How to Stop a Swarm - Yellow hive tried to swarm but I shut them down. Thanks Frederick Dunn!

  2. New Queen: Dead Queen -- How NOT to install a queen bee. Last chance for RED DAWN!

    New Queen: Dead Queen -- How NOT to install a queen bee. Last chance for RED DAWN!

  3. Installing Foundation-- Installing foundation in the frames we recently built.

    Installing Foundation-- Installing foundation in the frames we recently built.

  4. My Flow Hive FAIL - Laying worker lays drone brood in the flow hive flow frame. Flow hive Drama!

    My Flow Hive FAIL - Laying worker lays drone brood in the flow hive flow frame. Flow hive Drama!

  5. First Honey Harvest using the Maxant 3100P Honey extractor. 6.5 Gallons of honey.

    First Honey Harvest using the Maxant 3100P Honey extractor. 6.5 Gallons of honey.

  6. Time to Feed the Bees - Heading Into Dearth. 1:1 sugar syrup and pollen patties for the girls.

    Time to Feed the Bees - Heading Into Dearth. 1:1 sugar syrup and pollen patties for the girls.

  7. One Board Build - How to build a beehive stand with one board in 30 minutes for only $8.00

    One Board Build - How to build a beehive stand with one board in 30 minutes for only $8.00

  8. Fall Beehive Inspection - Inspecting the three hives with SHB infestation and feeding the week hives

    Fall Beehive Inspection - Inspecting the three hives with SHB infestation and feeding the week hives

  9. Dearth & Robbing - The two Resource colonies fight for their lives as dearth sets in.

    Dearth & Robbing - The two Resource colonies fight for their lives as dearth sets in.

  10. Flow Hive Secret - How-to prepare your Flow Hive frames for success and give your bees a head start.

    Flow Hive Secret - How-to prepare your Flow Hive frames for success and give your bees a head start.

  11. Trees For Bees -- Planting a Black Ice plum tree for spring. Working on the sustainable landscape.

    Trees For Bees -- Planting a Black Ice plum tree for spring. Working on the sustainable landscape.

  12. From $500 to Visa Director: Max Parada’s Inspiring Journey

    From $500 to Visa Director: Max Parada’s Inspiring Journey

  13. Beehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 1 of 2 : Deciding whether to treat for Varroa mites or not.

    Beehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 1 of 2 : Deciding whether to treat for Varroa mites or not.

  14. Moving the Teal and Pine hives to the new bee yard. Checking the splits and problem solving.

    Moving the Teal and Pine hives to the new bee yard. Checking the splits and problem solving.

  15. #ASMR -Rainy Winter Day - A cold gentle winter rain falls on the bee yard. Cold crisp rain.

    #ASMR -Rainy Winter Day - A cold gentle winter rain falls on the bee yard. Cold crisp rain.

  16. How To Treat for Varroa Mites. Treating Varroa mites with Johnos Easy Vap Pro Oxalic Acid Treatment

    How To Treat for Varroa Mites. Treating Varroa mites with Johnos Easy Vap Pro Oxalic Acid Treatment
