Beehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 1 of 2 : Deciding whether to treat for Varroa mites or not.

5 years ago

Beehive and Varroa Inspection - PT 1 of 2 : It's that time of year when I have to decide weather to treat for Varroa mites or not. To treat or not to treat? This is my first time doing this and I am really hesitant to expose my bees to any chemicals or treatment for mites. That said, If after going through the hives I find a lot of varroa I will have no choice but to treat.

Opening hive for varroa mite inspection and hive inspection this time of year can be disasterous and just like that, the unexpected happens. I guess the neighbor bees are hungry? The beginning of a massive robbing scenario. What should I do when other colonies decide to rob my beehives. Do I close up the hives? Set the entrance reducers to the smallest setting, or do I let the bees figure it out on their own and learn to defend their hives.

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