Commonsense is where we should live

2 years ago


Matthew Cinquanta For Secretary Of State
We're All in This Together
I was raised in Colorado, where I began my career as a Private Investigator in 1991. A resident of California since 1998, I've been a licensed Private Investigator and small business owner since 2006. Family is the most important part of my life, and as a son, brother, uncle, and husband, I strive to bring the best possible Me I can into everything I do. Fitness is my greatest life-long hobby, and another I held close to my heart was working in film & television as an actor, producer, and stunt performer. That is until my gut began telling me there was something terribly wrong within the entertainment industry. Once I knew, I stayed away. I clearly see 'that the business' is in desperate need of major repair, just as our local, state, and national governments are, and each seems to co-dependently overlap and mesh with the other. Enough said. There is critical work to be done, and I CAN and WILL do it. Above everything else in this life, I Love My Family, God, Friends, My Fellow Man, and Freedom, just as you do, but I don't believe we have been a truly free people for a very, very long time, and now the erosion of our constitutional rights and personal freedom has progressed to the point that every aspect of our life and liberty is about to be lost – Forever… and it is unmistakably obvious to EVERYONE, whether they're conscious of it or not.

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