3 years agoobserved USB cards being uploaded to the voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisorSeekTruth
3 years ago80 Years young 'I voted & I printed it out & when I got it & I looked at it, Trump was not on there’SeekTruth
3 years agoElection Audit Update | WI Starting Audits? PA Holds Election Hearings, TX Election Integrity!Not Woke Media
3 years agoMinority Inspector (Registered Democrat): 'I don't care who wins, I care that it's a fair election'SeekTruth
3 years ago‘..the mail-in ballots were coming into that room already sliced open at the top we have no idea..’SeekTruth
4 years agoPA Judge Patricia A. McCullough in opinion, PA emergency preliminary injunction was properly issuedWE ARE THE NEWS (WATN)Verified
3 years ago'not provided with the change in rules.. to allow the curing of mail-in ballots in a timely manner.'SeekTruth
3 years agoPink highlighter could not be read ..they all had to be done again ..the duplicated mail-in ballotsSeekTruth
4 years agoDominion Voting Systems HACKED DURING Georgia Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Election Fraud 2020RiverOfTruth
6 months ago2022 FL ELECTION>145,000 MORE VOTES THAN VOTERS>Polk County FLORIDA BOCC pass a Resolution on Election Integrity-Security - 9-3-2024 & AUDIO/TEXT ARTICLE OF 9-9-2024>THE SUPREME RECKONING BY PRAYING MANTIS - 25 mins.LEARN FROM HISTORY OR DOOMED TO REPEAT IT
3 years agoReminder why we need a Full Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania for the 2020 Presidential ElectionSeekTruth
3 years ago‘People that had not voted since the 1990 ..were all now reactivated and receiving mail-in ballots’SeekTruth
4 years agoRand Paul and Jesse Binnall: Hearings on Evidence of Election Fraud in Nevada 2020 ElectionRiverOfTruth