Election Audit Update | WI Starting Audits? PA Holds Election Hearings, TX Election Integrity!

3 years ago

The Arizona forensic audit model is looking more like it is about to spread to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania very soon. Mike Lindell reported earlier this week that WI House Speaker Voss and investigator Gableman sent a letter to the Wisconsin elections commission (WEC) to instruct county clerks to preserve all election materials, ballots, records, machines etc.


A press release by Senate President Jake Corman that after last weeks election hearing, he has called another hearing for Monday September 13th. He called it a sunshine hearing and that he plans a vote to issue subpoenas for election records, voting machines, computer logs, routers, ballots etc.


Texas governor signed into law elections integrity.


Great Clips available covering the Cyber Symposium and other election related media on FrankSpeech.com


Check out Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, He has some great info related to audits!


Check out CannCon. He has an excellent take on the news!


There has never been full forensic audits like the Arizona Audit and now is the time to expand the efforts to all the states!

Something crazy has been happening on YT. The purge of big Patriotic/News channels have been removed from YT. The list includes: Behizy, Doug TenNapel, Out of the darkness, Nick Moseder, Julie Green, Cann Con, Neil Johnson, Liz Harris and others! This is probably a violation of section 230 and US Code Section ...?

Catch up with Doug and Q:
Doug on locals: https://dougtennapel.locals.com
Doug is Gone Again!!
Q on locals: https://outofthedarkness.locals.com

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