1 year agoFrance: Police deploy tear gas in Lyon on 11th round of pension reform protests - 06.04.2023Protest.Live
1 year agoFrance: Clashes break out in Strasbourg as protesters rally against pension reform - 06.04.2023Protest.Live
3 years agoFrance: Police clear rally of homeless people in front of Paris City Hall - 28.10.2021demonstration
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1 year agoFrance: Hundreds protests against pension reform during Macron's visit in Herault - 20.04.2023Protest.Live
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3 years agoFrance: Anti-COVID-restrix protesters rally in support of healthcare workers in Paris - 23.10.2021demonstration
1 year agoFrance: Police use batons, detain people as pension reform protests turn violent in Paris 14.04.2023Protest.Live
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1 year agoFrance: Thousands take to streets in Nantes as Constitutional Council upholds Macrons pension reformProtest.Live
1 year agoFrance: Macron holds crisis meeting at Elysee over unrest sparked by pension reform - 27.03.2023demonstration
1 year agoAngriff in Charkow: Dutzende ausländische Söldner eliminiert – Fremdenlegionäre darunter?RT DEVerified
1 year agoFrance: Protesters clash with police at rally against pension reform and inflation in Lyon 06.05.23Protest.Live
1 year agoFrance: Constitutional Council approves Macron’s unpopular pension reform plan - 14.04.2023Protest.Live