1 year agoMICHAEL HORLICK 6 | Mayo; Harvard studies: MANY CANCERS REDUCED BY VITAMIN DDoctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. vegetable oils puts omega6 in our eyes, skin-causing inflammation, free radicals toxicityDoctors To Trust
1 year agoJohn Campbell. "I take 4000 IU a day of vitamin D, as well as 100 micrograms of K2Doctors To Trust
5 months agoRobert Kennedy Junior: The medical system has been co-opted by a pharmaceutical cartelPepeLivesMatter
1 year agoDrew Baye. -working to momentary muscle failure -have practically same results,Doctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. If train intensely:-sets last 60 to 90 seconds -move quickly between exercisesDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. The belief: have to move fast to recruit fast-twitch motor units IS FALSE!Doctors To Trust
1 year agoJAY VINCENT 2 | Mark Asanovich: Fast & explosive lifts: Shear forces on joint capsules…dangerousDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye if you have not suffered an acute injury DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE NOT BEATING UP JOINTS"Doctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. Reason to exercise is to improve your functional ability; EFFICACY is top priority-SAFETYDoctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye safety & metabolic; cardiovascular conditioning-IT IS MORE EFFECTIVE-no separate 'cardio'Doctors To Trust
1 year agoNadir Ali. Used canola to simulate taste of dairy fat Oatley: "Essentially deep fried!"Doctors To Trust
1 year agoDrew Baye. Doing these will enable you to get asstrong as your genetics allowDoctors To Trust
1 year agoStasha Gorminak cells in brain stem sleep switches that make us paralyzed: have vitamin D receptorsDoctors To Trust