Drew Baye if you have not suffered an acute injury DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE NOT BEATING UP JOINTS"

1 year ago

College basketball players...
-35% of those with knee pain
have significant abnormalities
"Just because you have not suffered
an acute injury while exercising
-causing sub-acute injury
-these can accumulate over time
-can lead to serious injury, or
-lead to degenerative conditions

Most important reason to exercise
is to improve your functional ability...
-and your health, so
-EFFICACY is top priority
-SAFETY is right behind that
"If predisposing self to joint
conditions or greater
probability of injury,
that is the OPPOSITE of what we
are trying to do with exercise"

Anytime you have two methods that
are nearly equally effective,
choose the one that is lower risk
Why choose a method that will take
twice as long to get same result as
another method that is shorter?

Never follow a pre-set volume &
-must set to what your body can
recover from & adapt to
-don't look at someone successful
with particular volume & frequency
-large part of success is genetics
-which you may not share
-don't emulate their method if
your body cannot recover
-you might respond better with
workouts shorter, less frequent



Original Youtube: https://youtu.be/r6bJxwlP3NQ
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