1 year ago40+ BOOK HAUL & *Signed Giveaway* ~ inc. Point Horror, Lost / Found Footage, Charlaine Harris, ARCSAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoApril WRAP-UP & May TBR (19 books) inc. Point Horror GIVEAWAY ~ YA, adult, MG ~ vampires, V E Schwab (authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoHAUL & UNBOXING (18 books) Horror: books, manga & stationery ~ new, used, adult, YA ~ gothic vampire (authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoSprints (Thur 26th)- reading, writing and productivity with friendsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoHaul / Unboxings (50) + YALC 2022 mini vlog (vampire books merch ARC's Stephen King Lost Boys Buffy)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoAugust wrap-up & September TBR (29 books) + bookshop signings & book launch ~ BookTube AuthorTubeAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoSeptember wrap up & October TBR + 4 readathon TBRs: Spoopathon, Vampathon, Gothtober & HalloweekendAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoJune WRAP-UP & July TBR (21 books) + short story + bookshop signings + YALC update (book read recs)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoTOP 15 ANTICIPATED 2022 READS (part 2) ~ adult, MG & YA books ~ horror, thrillers & mysteries ~ TBR (authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoMY FIRST READING VLOG ~ inc. NYA Lit Fest + holiday vlog (vampires, cults, Point Horror, thrillers)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoALEX FOULKES author interview: Rules for Vampires & Ghosts Bite Back ~ MG vampire book -conversationAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoSprints (Thur 12th) - reading, writing and productivity with friendsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
1 year agoEaster Monday with friends ~ READING and WRITING SPRINTS #booktube #readingsprintsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years ago『Sdorica | Workshop』Patch 4.3.0 Adventurer's Workshop - Jian-Shen Bossfight (No SP, MZ and OS)LyLSpringroll
2 years agoRACHEL FATUROTI author interview: Finding Folkshore + Sadé and Her Shadow Beasts ~ books authortubeAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoSUE WALLMAN author interview: I Know You Did It & Such A Good Liar ~ publication journey ~ book recs (booktube booktuber #booktube #booktuber)AMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoGWENDOLYN KISTE author interview: Reluctant Immortals ~ vampire book ~ Dracula, Jane Eyre charactersAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoHORROR AUTHORS HALLOWEEN CHAT Dawn Kurtagich & Kat Ellis interview Amy McCaw ~ Mina and the SlayersAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoCAMP SPOOPATHON ~ live reading sprints ~ my first time hosting a live! + with Kasha's Book SemataryAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoFRAN HART author interview ~ THE OTHER ONES ~ a NaNoWriMo story ~ Heartstopper meets Gilmore GirlsAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube
2 years agoCARMILLA IN WHITBY ~ Gothic reading vlog + bookshop signing ~ reading the book that inspired DraculaAMY MCCAW (author & booktuber) booktube