HAUL & UNBOXING (18 books) Horror: books, manga & stationery ~ new, used, adult, YA ~ gothic vampire (authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)

2 years ago

📚18 Books mentioned in this video📚

1) The Supernatural Omnibus – Montague Summers | https://tidd.ly/37jJ44g
2-7) 6x Morganville Vampire books – Rachel Caine | https://tidd.ly/3Opl9kK
8) 16 Souls – Rosie Talbot | https://tidd.ly/36fNHMa
More info – including content warnings | https://www.rosietalbot.co.uk/books
9) Rebecca – Daphne du Maurier | https://tidd.ly/3O9HpyZ
10) Kill Creek – Scott Thomas | https://tidd.ly/3vouOz0
11) The Book Of Cold Cases – Simone St. James | https://tidd.ly/3xvBQ8a
12) Deserter – Junji Ito | https://tidd.ly/3EfQRMx
13) Remina – Junji Ito | https://tidd.ly/3KOgOVM
14) Sensor – Junji Ito | https://tidd.ly/3O7P5lf
15) The Last House on Needless Street – Catriona Ward | https://tidd.ly/3EoKmXN
16) Friday the 13th Notebook – Insight Editions | https://tidd.ly/3jD29ky
17) The Shining Notebook – Insight Editions | https://tidd.ly/3rsR1uZ
18) Nightmare on Elm Street Notebook – Insight Editions | https://tidd.ly/3uKqgEj

🛒 Retailers mentioned

🛍️ Gothic Stationery Company | https://www.thegothicstationerycompany.com
🛍️ Forbidden Planet | https://forbiddenplanet.com/

Thanks for liking 👍 & subscribing 🔔

0:00 Opening credits
0:17 Introduction
0:30 Mina and the Slayers update
1:20 YouTube update
1:38 Horror anthology
2:18 YA Vampire books
3:46 ARC unboxing
6:32 Adult horror
8:47 Manga & adult horror
11:13 Horror notebooks
12:18 Mini backpack
14:06 Vampire stationery
19:42 Bookstagram
20:00 End credits / cards

🙎🏻‍♀️Amy McCaw is a reader, blogger and author of the Mina and the Undead series🙎🏻‍♀️

🐥 Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/yaundermyskin
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/yaundermyskin
🙋🏻‍♀️ Author website | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk
📝 YA blog | https://www.yaundermyskin.co.uk
▶️ Watch my blogger to author YALC workshop | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reqB6vUQaHI

🦇 To buy Mina and the Undead | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy
🦇 To buy Mina and the Slayers (preorder) | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy

~ (inc. signed or free worldwide shipping) ~

🙎🏻‍♀️ If you're looking for some other YouTubers to subscribe to. Below are some that helped inspire Amy to start her own channel:

​▶️ Kasha's Book Sematary (Kasha) |
​▶️ Erin Megan (Erin) |
​▶️ Harpies in the Trees (Mers) |
▶️ Violet Prynne (Violet) |
▶️ How to train your Gavin (Gavin Hetherington) |
▶️ Vanilla Moon (Jodie) |
▶️ Books with Chloe (Chloe) |
▶️ Books Nest (Beth) |
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(authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)

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