April WRAP-UP & May TBR (19 books) inc. Point Horror GIVEAWAY ~ YA, adult, MG ~ vampires, V E Schwab (authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)

2 years ago

📚19 Books mentioned in this video📚

🔑 Key
📗 = 8x April wrap-up books
📘 = 2x currently reading books
📕 = 9x May TBR books
* = Potential trigger warnings

1) 📗 Dead to the World (True Blood box set) – Charlarine Harris | https://tidd.ly/3H5kelc
2) 📗 Victoria Stitch: Free and Famous – Harriet Muncaster | https://tidd.ly/3rVeplg
3) *📗 You Can Trust Me – Gina Blaxill | https://tidd.ly/3IEbzXK
4) 📗 Sixteen Souls – Rosie Talbot | https://www.rosietalbot.co.uk/books
5) 📗 Gallant – V.E. Schwab | https://tidd.ly/3qYMj7T
Forbidden Planet – Sprayed edges edition | https://forbiddenplanet.com/344267-gallant-signed-exclusive-sprayed-edge-edition-hardcover/?affid=mina&utm_medium=fp-share
6) 📗 The Ivies – Alexa Donne | https://tidd.ly/3x8UMci
7) 📗 Vicious – V.E. Schwab | https://tidd.ly/3y4fzhP
8) 📗 A Stranger On Board – Cameron Ward | https://tidd.ly/3F11h34
9) 📘 Such a Good Liar – Sue Wallman | https://tidd.ly/3LNndkV
▶️ Sue's interview | https://youtu.be/kflu-rAXBgY
10) 📘 Teacher's Pet – Richie Tankersley Cusick | https://tidd.ly/3KwFrp2
▶️ PHBC chat on Teather's Pet | https://www.instagram.com/tv/Cc_P4CBI282
11) 📕 Dead as a Doornail (True Blood box set) – Charlarine Harris | https://tidd.ly/3H5kelc
12) 📕 The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes | https://tidd.ly/3vCjOA8
13) 📕 Serial Killers Of The 70s – Jane Fritsch | https://tidd.ly/3Kw35SE
14) 📕 Carmilla – Sheridan Le Fanu | https://tidd.ly/3s39TRo
15) 📕 Sensor – Junji Ito | https://tidd.ly/3O7P5lf
16) 📕 Don't Call it a Cult – Sarah Berman | https://tidd.ly/371tvxY
17) 📕 The Book Of Cold Cases – Simone St. James | https://tidd.ly/3xvBQ8a
18) 📕 The Book of Dust Volume One – Philip Pullman | https://tidd.ly/3OGWxUy
19) 📕 Vengeful – V.E. Schwab | https://tidd.ly/3vtTGXE

~ (affiliate links to free worldwide shipping) ~

📚Book clubs mentioned📚

🙋🏻‍♀️ Fictional Hangover book club
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/fictionalhangover/
​​ 🐥 Twitter | https://twitter.com/fictionalhangov
☑️ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/fictionalhangover
🙋🏻‍♀️ Podcast website | https://www.fictionalhangover.com/

🙋🏻‍♀️ Tales of point horror book club (PHBC)
📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/talespointhorrorbookclub
🐥 Twitter | https://twitter.com/ChelleyToy
☑️ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/Tales-of-Yesterday-1583481328531366/
🙋🏻‍♀️ Blog | http://www.talesofyesterday.co.uk/tales-point-horror-book-club/

📚Conventions mentioned📚

🙋🏻‍♀️ Northern YA Literary Fest
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/nyalitfest
​​ 🐥 Twitter | https://twitter.com/NYALitFest
☑️ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/NYALitFest
🙋🏻‍♀️ Website | https://nyalitfest.wordpress.com/programme/

🙋🏻‍♀️ Young Adult Literature Convention at London Film & Comic Con
📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/yalc_uk/
🐥 Twitter | https://twitter.com/yalc_uk
☑️ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/ukYALC/
🙋🏻‍♀️ Website | https://londonfilmandcomiccon.com/YALC/

Thanks for liking 👍 & subscribing 🔔

0:00 Opening credits
0:16 Introduction
1:00 Conventions
1:45 April wrap-up
11:03 Current reads
13:01 May TBR
19:56 Bookstagram
20:41 London (signing / award)
21:51 End credits / cards

🙎🏻‍♀️Amy McCaw is a reader, blogger and author of the Mina and the Undead series🙎🏻‍♀️

🐥 Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/yaundermyskin
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/yaundermyskin
🙋🏻‍♀️ Author website | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk
📝 YA blog | https://www.yaundermyskin.co.uk
▶️ Watch my blogger to author YALC workshop | https://youtu.be/reqB6vUQaHI

🦇 To buy Mina and the Undead | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy
🦇 To buy Mina and the Slayers (preorder) | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy

~ (inc. signed or free worldwide shipping) ~
#BookTube #AuthorTube #giveaway #Aprilwrapup #MayTBR #minaandtheslayers #bookclub #bookclubs #spookyreads #spookybooks #spooky ​#haul #bookunboxing #bookhaul #booktube #books #bookstagram #bookreview #book #minaandtheundead #minaandtheundeadseries #vlogger #booktuber #creepy #vampire #vampires #cozyreads # #booktoker #pointhorror
Book Tube Author Tube April wrapup May TBR mina and the slayers book club book clubs spooky reads spooky books spooky haul unboxing book tube book stagram book review mina and the undead mina and the undead series vlogger book tuber creepy vampire vampires cozy reads book toker point horror

(authortube booktube booktuber #authortube #booktube #booktuber)

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