June WRAP-UP & July TBR (21 books) + short story + bookshop signings + YALC update (book read recs)

2 years ago

📚21 Books mentioned in this video📚

🔑 Key
📗 = 9x April wrap-up books
📘 = 4x currently reading books
📕 = 8x May TBR books

1) 📗 Beasts of Prey – Ayana Gray | https://tidd.ly/3GNBah0
2) 📗 The Inheritance Games – Jennifer Lynn Barnes | https://tidd.ly/3vCjOA8
3) 📗 The Book Of Cold Cases – Simone St. James | https://tidd.ly/3xvBQ8a
4) 📗 Through the Woods – Emily Carroll | https://tidd.ly/2Wwben6
5) 📗 Tag, You're Dead – Kathryn Foxfield | https://tidd.ly/3MFGVQb
▶️ Kathryn's interview | https://youtu.be/oie8g7c79UE
6) 📗 Heartstopper – Alice Oseman | https://tidd.ly/3uoyYr4
7) 📗 Definately Dead – Charlarine Harris | https://tidd.ly/3LeuskC
8) 📗 The Book of Dust Volume One – Philip Pullman | https://tidd.ly/3OGWxUy
9) 📗 The Agathas – Kathleen Glasgow / Liz Lawson | https://tidd.ly/3zeTa1P
10) 📘 Lore – Alexandra Bracken | https://tidd.ly/3bP0ibA
11) 📘 Reluctant Immortals (23.08.22) – Gwendolyn Kiste | https://tidd.ly/3ysH9Wb
12) 📘 Misery – Stephen King | https://tidd.ly/3NfCISU
13) 📘 Hell's Half Acre – Susan Jonusas | https://tidd.ly/3NdxrLP
14) 📕 The Girl With No Soul – Morgan Owen | https://tidd.ly/3bNb2XZ
15) 📕 Her Majesty's Royal Coven – Juno Dawson | https://tidd.ly/3HUpojG
16) 📕 Hide – Kiersten White | https://tidd.ly/3aioMts
17) 📕 Carmilla – Sheridan Le Fanu | https://tidd.ly/3s39TRo
18) 📕 The Lifeguard – Richie Tankersley Cusick | https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1156197.The_Lifeguard
19) 📕 All Together Dead – Charlaine Harris | https://tidd.ly/3laW5jT
20) 📕 My Heart is a Chainsaw – Stephen Graham Jones | https://tidd.ly/33MuHnt
21) 📕 Ready Or Not – Tracy Darnton | https://tidd.ly/3FKem0U

~ (affiliate links to free worldwide shipping) ~

📚Book clubs mentioned📚

🙋🏻‍♀️ Fictional Hangover book club
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/fictionalhangover/
​​ 🐥 Twitter | https://twitter.com/fictionalhangov
☑️ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/fictionalhangover
🙋🏻‍♀️ Podcast website | https://www.fictionalhangover.com/

🙋🏻‍♀️ Tales of point horror book club (PHBC)
📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/talespointhorrorbookclub
🐥 Twitter | https://twitter.com/ChelleyToy
☑️ Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/Tales-of-Yesterday-1583481328531366/
🙋🏻‍♀️ Blog | http://www.talesofyesterday.co.uk/tales-point-horror-book-club/

Thanks for liking 👍 & subscribing 🔔

0:00 Opening credits
0:16 Introduction
0:56 Story story
1:11 Yalc update
3:11 June wrap-up
9:59 Current reads
13:09 July TBR
21:28 Bookshop signings
23:51 Bookstagram
24:34 End credits / cards

🙎🏻‍♀️Amy McCaw is a reader, booktuber and author of the Mina and the Undead series🙎🏻‍♀️

🐥 Twitter | https://www.twitter.com/yaundermyskin
​ 📷 Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/yaundermyskin
🙋🏻‍♀️ Author website | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk
📝 YA blog | https://www.yaundermyskin.co.uk
▶️ Watch my blogger to author YALC workshop | https://youtu.be/reqB6vUQaHI

🦇 To buy Mina and the Undead | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy
🦇 To buy Mina and the Slayers (preorder) | https://www.amymccaw.co.uk/buy

~ (inc. signed or free worldwide shipping) ~

🙎🏻‍♀️ If you're looking for some other YouTubers to subscribe to. Below are some amazing channels that helped inspire Amy to start her own:

​▶️ @Kasha's Book Sematary
​▶️ @Erin Megan
​▶️ @Harpies in the Trees
▶️ @Violet Prynne
▶️ @How to Train Your Gavin
▶️ @Jodie ☾
▶️ @books with chloe
▶️ @BooksNest
▶️ @What India Read
▶️ @Spoopyhol
▶️ @The Bookubus
▶️ @Regina's Haunted Library
#julytbr #junewrapup #booktube #yalc #authortube #minaandtheslayers #bookclub #bookclubs #spookyreads #spookybooks #spooky ​#haul #bookunboxing #bookhaul #booktube #books #bookstagram #bookreview #book #minaandtheundead #minaandtheundeadseries #vlogger #booktuber #creepy #vampire #vampires #cozyreads # #booktoker #pointhorror Book Tube Author Tube June wrapup July TBR mina and the slayers book club book clubs spooky reads spooky books spooky haul unboxing book tube book stagram book review mina and the undead mina and the undead series vlogger book tuber creepy vampire vampires cozy reads book toker point horror

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