2 years agoIt's almost impossible to teach worldly People... Jesus elucidates ❤️ The Great Gospel of JohnJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoMoses' Wisdom, Science of Correspondences and Return of Jesus Christ ❤️ The Great Gospel of JohnJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoFeigned Value of external Progress and Path to spiritual Perfection ❤️ The Great Gospel of JohnJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoWarning of spiritual Lethargy... Jesus explains Isaiah Chapter 2 and 3 ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoThe Truth about the History of Earth... Jesus clarifies ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoJesus' Sermon on the Mount... Excerpts & Equivalents ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoZodiac Signs explained ❤️ Jesus Christ reveals the Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoJesus ' Predictions regarding Churches & Antichrist /s ❤️ The Great Gospel of John revealed thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoThe Path to eternal Life... Jesus explains ❤️ The Great Gospel of John revealed thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoThe Earth... Training School for the Children of God ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoLife & Development of the Soul after Death... Jesus explains ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoNight Sermon of Jesus... Love-Activity is the Soul's Heart Pulse-Beat ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
9 months agoJUDGMENT & FUTURE... Paganism, Rome, Antichrist and the Millenium 🎺 The Great Gospel of JohnJesus' Love Letters ... Liebesbriefe
2 years agoJudgment and Future... Paganism, Rome, Antichrist and Millennium ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English
2 years agoMy Flesh & My Blood, I am the true Bread of Life... Jesus Christ elucidates ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob LorberJesus' Revelations thru Jakob Lorber English