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Moses' Wisdom, Science of Correspondences and Return of Jesus Christ ❤️ The Great Gospel of John
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Jesus elucidates the Wisdom of Moses and Joshua,
the Science of Correspondences & His Return
THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 9, Chapter 91 to 94
Revealed from the Lord thru the Inner Word to Jacob Lorber
As it was then, so it is today.
The Lord shows how the blind humanity was led by the nose – and still is …
This happens in all areas of life:
Governments, churches, science, medicine – in short: Everything that does not come from charity, according to the teaching of the Lord, is folly!
The last Part from Chapter 91
The gradual cleansing of arts and sciences
The Lord says:
91,6. But just go and teach it to the blind people in the manner in which I have taught you, then you will all too soon experience how difficult it is to dissuade people from their old knowledge and their mystical prejudices.
91,7. Moreover there are numerous people who were made dumb by their selfish priests and rulers in such a way that they would consider such clarification of knowledge as an unforgivable crime against the gods, and they would seriously harm those who seduced them to commit a crime against the gods.
91,8. In order to bring about a complete cleansing of the sciences in the course of time and the resulting technologies, first My teaching should be proclaimed to them, and the many idols together with their priests and temples should be destroyed.
91,9. Once this has happened and My gospel has been proclaimed to the people – even though through many false prophets – then they also will be able to cleanse progressively their sciences and technologies, and these will then be a lightning which will brightly enlighten everything that is on the Earth, from sunrise to sunset. With ‘sunrise’ the spiritual should be understood, with ‘sunset’ all what is natural.
91,10. If you have understood this, then do not ask again if this or that will already be possible now.”
Chapter 92
The wisdom of Moses and Joshua
92,1. When the disciples, and of course also the innkeeper, the healed helper, the Pharisee and the scribe heard these words of Mine, the scribe said: “From Your words, Lord and Master, I have concluded that You have not only revealed the great mystery of the Kingdom of God on Earth among the people to Your disciples, but also the kingdom of the nature of this Earth, of the moon, the sun and of the stars, and You have given me a new proof that You in Your Spirit must be the Creator of that all, otherwise You could not have explained those endlessly many and wonderful things to Your disciples, and make it even visible to them.
92,2. Since You wanted to do this for Your disciples, who are also only Jews and men, would You not like to explain also to us very briefly those wonderful things, in such a manner that we also could have a clear image about what we should think and believe about the moon, the sun and the stars, eclipses, the frightening comets and also the many falling stars? For in this matter we are not even a bit better than the heathens.”
92,3. I said: “Then why did you reject the 6th and 7th Book of Moses and have declared them as being untrue? And those who dared to read them you have even threatened with severe punishments. Look, in those 2 books Moses has described in clear words the whole natural creation.”
92,4. The scribe said: “Lord and Master, I have heard about it once, but I have never read even one letter of it. It seems that those books cannot be found in the temple of Jerusalem anymore. That is why I am asking You now for those things that I have asked, to describe and explain them to us as brief as possible, so that we would then also know what they are and how they are arranged.”
92,5. At the request of the scribe I described those things to the 4 of them as briefly as possible, and in such a manner that they could well understand what I had explained.
92,6. After the explanation, which lasted for about 1 hour, the scribe asked Me if also the patriarchs knew about this.
92,7. I said: “Certainly, namely the very first inhabitants of Egypt. But as the people in the course of time withdrew themselves more and more from the one, eternal true God through all kinds of sins, and turned to the blind paganism, becoming more and more dark, then also this knowledge got lost, and was replaced by poetic nonsense and fantasies that are full of errors.
92,8. And so the knowledge of the Earth and the stars got lost. Only with some, very few wise men in a hidden corner of the Earth it still existed, but these did not dare to make it known to the totally darkened people. And so that knowledge became practically completely lost. But in future times the people will acquire it again, still more clear than in the ancient time, and they will calculate everything. And that will belong to the lightning that enlightens from sunrise to sunset.”
92,9. The scribe said: “From whom did Moses and Aaron actually receive that knowledge?”
92,10. I said: “From the Spirit of God. Although Moses, as a son of the Pharaoh, was initiated in the Egyptian mysteries, and did also acquire much of the old astronomy and geography, it was hardly a drop of troubled water compared to the whole sea of his later understanding, which made him the elect leader of the people of Israel, given by the Spirit of God, by which only after that he became a true scientist from God.”
92,11. The scribe said again: “Lord and Master, Joshua who was also a chosen leader of the people of Israel towards the promised land, must also have known precisely about what Moses has described. Then how could he say before Jericho to the sun: ‘Sun, stand still, until I have defeated all the enemies’, and the sun seemed to have obeyed his command? If he said that to the Earth, then this would really make sense according to what You have explained to us just now. But now that we heard from You how things really are, Joshua’s command to the sun seems to be something which is clearly senseless, and it seems that Joshua did still not know the real matter if it was his intention that his command should be executed according to the truth of nature.”
92,12. I said: “It is true that Joshua said it this way, however not to the natural sun, but to the spiritual sun which consisted in the teaching which Moses received from God. The people’s faith and trust in it began seriously to sink down when they saw the superior power of the enemy. Joshua only wanted to say with his strong crying out to the people who lacked courage and who were utterly grumbling: ‘Continue to have faith and trust until you soon will see the apparent mighty enemy completely defeated before you. Then, together with me, you will be able to occupy the land where milk and honey are flowing, or you will return again to the desert.’
92,13. By that, the people took courage again with full faith and trust in God, which is, was and will be the true sun of the soul and his spirit in Heaven and on Earth. And look, the sun that was spoken to by Joshua stood still in the faith and trust of the people, enlightened them and gave them courage, intelligence and power, and the enemy was totally destroyed, with the exception of the harlot Rahab who showed mercy to the messengers of Joshua. Did you understand this now?”
Chapter 93
The science of correspondences
93,1. The scribe said: “Yes, Lord and Master, we all have understood this very well now, so that we realize now that Joshua could have impossibly connected another meaning to his great exclamation. But why did we not understand that just now?”
93,2. I said: “Because the old inner science of correspondences left you entirely already before the Babylonian captivity, because this science is only accessible for and is typical to those people who never wavered or have become weak in the true faith and trust in the one, true God, and who have always loved Him above all as the Father and their fellowman as themselves.
93,3. Because this science is the inner scripture and the inner language of the soul and of the spirit in the soul. He who has lost this language can impossibly understand the Scripture, and in his dead worldly light it seems foolishness to him, because the life’s conditions of the spirit and of the soul are of a totally different nature than those of the body.
93,4. So also, the hearing, seeing, feeling, thinking, speaking and the writing of the spirit have a totally different character than here among the people in the natural world, and therefore what a spirit does and says, can only be made clear to natural men by way of the ancient science of correspondences.
93,5. When this science was lost for men by their own fault, they made the communication with the spirits of all the regions and all the Heavens impossible for themselves, and that is why they cannot grasp nor understand anymore the spiritual sense of the Scripture. They read the written words according to the blindly learned sound of the dead letter and cannot even understand and realize that the letter is dead and can revive no one, but that it is only the inner hidden meaning that revives everything, since it is life itself.
93,6. If you understand this now, you mostly should strife to make the Kingdom of God alive and completely active in yourselves, then you also will receive again the mentioned science of correspondences between matter and spirit, otherwise you never will be able to understand Moses or another prophet in the deepness of the living truth, and you will be forced in yourself to fall into unbelief, all kinds of doubts and sins. Because when a blind person walks on a road with a lot of stones on it, will he then be able to prevent to stumble while walking, one time against this stone, then again against another, and also falling down many times? And if there is along the way an abyss that shows up, how will he keep himself from falling into it at the next step, finding inevitably death?
93,7. So mostly strife for it that you will be reborn in the spirit as soon as possible and become seeing, otherwise you will not escape thousands of dangers that are lying in wait for you and threaten to devour you.”
93,8. On this the scribe said: “O Lord and Master, Your wisdom is immense, and if we men compare ourselves to You, we are as blind as a stone. Only now I clearly realize what the reason is of the totally shattered faith and trust in God, and I also realize that in the future, precisely the same will happen with this teaching of light and life of Yours as now with the teaching of Moses and the prophets, and that Your love and mercy will make You really return again to this Earth to the people. Now it is only the question if You will return in the same way as this time or maybe in another way in the manner that is only known to You. Would You not like to explain this further to us?”
93,9. I said: “I have shown you often very clearly how and in what manner I will return again to this Earth to the people. How can you now ask Me the same thing again?”
93,10. The scribe said: “It is true, Lord and Master, that You have already told us about this. If only I would already possess the science of correspondences I would also have completely understood the meaning of Your words, but I still do not master this science at all, and that is why everything You have said about Your return is not clear to me.
93,11. Look, my question is actually mainly if You will come back just like now, as a Man of flesh and blood, born out of a pure woman, or unborn, more like a Spirit and still also a visible Man, and where, and to which people.
93,12. This is of course a very foolish question of mine according to Your unperceivable wisdom, but I am only a converted person since a couple of hours, and that is why I can be excused when I still bother You with all kinds of foolish questions.”
Chapter 94
The return of the Lord
94,1. I said: “Your questions are not that foolish, and you have the fullest right to ask what you do not know, and I have of course the right to answer you in the manner that I consider helpful to you and to the others. But because you have already asked it now, I will also give you the answer. So listen.
94,2. At My second coming I will not be born somewhere as a child from a woman because this body will remain glorified in eternity – just as I in Spirit – and thus I do not ever need a 2nd body as you had in mind.
94,3. First I will come invisibly in the clouds of the Heavens, which means: first I will come close to men by truthful seers, wise men and newly awakened prophets, and in that time also women will prophecy and young men will have clear dreams by which they will announce My coming to the people, and many will listen to it and improve their life, but the world will call them daydreamers and will not believe them, as this was also the case with the prophets.
94,4. So I will also awaken men from time to time, to whom I will say, by means of their heart, to the pen, everything that is now happening and being discussed during My presence. What is written then, will in a short time of a few days and weeks, be multiplied in many thousands of copies in a very artful manner, which will be very well known by the people of that time, and so they can be conveyed to the people. And since the people of that time will almost generally know how to read and write, they also will be able to read and understand those new books themselves.
94,5. In this way, the spreading of My teaching will then again be given anew and pure from the Heavens to all men on the whole Earth, much faster and effective than now by messengers in My name from mouth to mouth.
94,6. Once My teaching will be brought in this manner among the people who are of good will and have a living faith, and when at least ⅓ of the people will know about it, I will also personally, visibly and bodily, come to different places, to those who love Me most and have the greatest desire for My return, and who for that reason will also have full and living faith.
94,7. And I Myself will form congregations out of them, against which no worldly power will be able to oppose or resist, for I will be their Commander-in-Chief and their eternal invincible Hero, and will administer justice to all dead and blind worldly people. And in this way I will cleanse the Earth of its old filth.
94,8. However, during the time of those new seers and prophets there will be great misery and need among the people, as has never been before on this Earth, but for the sake of My chosen ones of that time it will only last for a short time, so that their development towards bliss will not be hindered.
94,9. But in this land where I am now persecuted by the Jews of the temple as a criminal from one village to the other, and who is trampled down by dark heathens, I will personally not first act, teach and comfort the weak again. But in the lands of another continent that is now inhabited by heathens I will establish a new Kingdom, a Kingdom of peace, of unity, of love and of continuous living faith. Fear for the death of the body will no longer exist among the people who walk in My light and who will always be in contact with the angels of Heaven and associate with them. Here you have now a real answer to your question.”
94,10. The scribe said: “Thus, Asia, the old cradle of mankind and of many blessings from God, will not be fortunate anymore to see and hear You when You will return to this Earth? This is truly not a happy news for this continent.”
94,11. I said: “The Earth belongs to Me everywhere, and I know in which place My return will be most beneficial for the whole Earth. At that time however, men will be able to contact each other from one end of the Earth to the other, and this as fast as the lightning that strikes from a cloud. And through the use of the spirits that are bound in the fire and the water they will, riding on iron roads, cover the greatest distances on Earth, faster than the heaviest storms that drive from one end of the Earth to the other. And the ships will, by means of these same powers, cross the big ocean in a much shorter time than now the Romans from Rome to Egypt. So then it will be possible to spread the message of My personal return in a very short time over the whole Earth, and thus also to Asia.
94,12. But then there is again the question: will the blind and deaf heathens of this continent also believe it?
94,13. I think and say: this will hardly be possible before it will be purified by a great worldly judgment.
94,14. There is a big country, far in the west that is surrounded on all sides by the great world oceans and which is, across the sea, nowhere in connection with the old world. From that country, first the people will come to know great things, and they will also come up in the west of Europe, and from that, there will be a bright shining and a shining in return. The lights of the Heavens will meet each other, recognize and support each other.
94,15. Out of these lights, the sun of life will develop – thus the new, perfect Jerusalem – and in that sun I will come back to this Earth. And now we have talked enough about what will happen in the future.
94,16. Then even My disciples were very surprised and said among each other: “He never talked so clearly and extensively about His future return. Lucky will be the people of that time who will live there where He will return with all the fullness of His grace, but unlucky those who will not believe in Him and who will maybe just like the Pharisees now revolt against Him and want to kill Him, who resist Him and want to protect their sanctuary. For as He has shown already several times, and on the Mount of Olives by signs in the sky, He will come to meet them and relentlessly administer justice to them and give them their reward in Hell.”
94,17. I said: “Yes, yes, with that you have spoken the truth now. And I say to you: truly, truly, this visible sky and this Earth will also perish after the right length of time, but the words that I have spoken to you will not perish.”
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