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Warning of spiritual Lethargy... Jesus explains Isaiah Chapter 2 and 3 ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber
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Jesus explains the Scripture Isaiah, Chapter 2 and 3:
Warning about spiritual Lethargy
THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 7, Chapter 171 to 176
Revealed from the Lord thru the Inner Word to Jacob Lorber
Chapter 171 – The Lord explains the second chapter of Isaiah
The Lord says:
171,5. But now, bring the book of the prophet Isaiah here. From that I have to make an important part clear to you.”
171,6. Then Nicodemus brought the book to Me and I immediately turned to the second chapter of Isaiah and read it as follows aloud to all those who were present:
171,7. “This is what Isaiah, the son of Amos, saw over Judah and Jerusalem: ‘In the last time the Mountain on which the House of the Lord stands will certainly be higher than all mountains and it will be exalted above all heights, and all the gentiles will go to it.” (Isaiah 2:1+2).
171,8. Then Nicodemus and the two Pharisees asked: “Lord and Master, where is then the mountain of the Lord on which His house is standing?”
171,9. I said: “O see how worldly your attitude is, based on your sense-organs, and how you are still full of matter. Am I not the Mountain of all mountains on which the true House of God stands? But what is the very comfortable House? That is My Word that I have already spoken by all the prophets to you, Jews, during a few centuries, and now I Myself am speaking through the mouth of a Son of Man. So I am the Mountain, and My Word is the comfortable House on the Mountain, and there around us are standing the gentiles from all parts of the Earth, who came to this place to see the Mountain and to live in His very spacious House.
171,10. But for the Jews as they are now, it is really the last time, because they are fleeing from the Mountain and from His house, and the ones at the top are even threatening to destroy it. Do you understand this verse now?”
171,11. All of them said: “Yes Lord, it is now completely clear to us, but this chapter has still more verses, which are for us still not clear at all. Lord, do explain these further to us.”
171,12. I said: “Just be patient, because a tree does not fall with the first blow.
171,13. But Isaiah continues to speak as follows: ‘Many nations will (that means in the future) go on their way and say: Come, let us go up on the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob, so that He will teach us His ways, after which we can then walk on His mountain paths, because from Zion will go forth the law and from Jerusalem His Word.’ (Isaiah 2:3).
171,14. By Zion (Z’e on = He wills) is also to be understood the Mountain, thus the Lord or I, and by Jerusalem the House of God on the Mountain, thus My Word and My teaching for now and forever. Certainly there will be no more doubt about that.
171,15. But now, who are the nations who say: ‘Come, let us go up on the Mountain of the Lord’ – that means to go to the Son of Man or divine Man – ‘and to the House of the God of Jacob, so that He will teach us His ways and we can then walk on His mountain paths?’
171,16. Look, these nations are those people who in the future will be converted to Me, will make My Word their own and will do My will. Because My Word shows the ways to life, and the mountain paths are My will announced to the people by the Word, of which the strict observance is definitely more difficult than only the pure listening to My Word, just like it is also definitely much easier to go on a broad and smooth way than on narrow and often very steep mountain paths.
171,17. But whoever wants to come within him upon the highest of all mountains and there in My living Word, which is God’s House on the Mountain, must not only follow the smooth way which leads to the top and stay upon it, but must also go on the narrow, often very steep mountain paths, because only along these, will he come completely on the Mountain and there in God’s living House.
171,18. What this means, I have already explained to you, as well as what the prophet in fact wanted to make clear by Z’e on and by Jerusalem. For this reason he also says that from Z’e on will go forth the law, so My will, and from Jerusalem – or seen in a natural way, out of My mouth – My Word.
171,19. So whoever hears My Word that I have spoken to the people at all times by the prophets, accepts it and lives according to it, he will thereby come to Me and thus also to the living Word and its power. Because I Myself am the living Word and the power thereof, and everything that contains the infinite space, is also only My living Word and the eternal power and might thereof. Did you also understand this well now?”
171,20. Then someone from the group of the Pharisees, who came to Me on the Mount of Olives, and who was a scribe said: “Lord and Master, Your explanation of these two verses was so clear like the sun at noon time, and everything became clear and understandable to me. But now comes the fourth verse and that sounds like this:
171,21. ‘And the Lord will administer justice among the gentiles and punish the nations. Then they will make of their swords plowshares and of their spears sickles, because no nation will lift up a sword against another, and the people will from now on learn war no more.’ (Isaiah 2:4).
171,22. Who are those gentiles and who the nations who, once they have been punished, will make no more war against one another? Those nations must surely be born in a very far future, because the present-day generations with their proud, greedy kings, lusting for power, will make war until the end of the world.”
171,23. I said: “It is true that you are a scribe, so that you still have the laws and all the prophets very well in your memory, but to understand them in the true spirit, of that there has never been any sign with you. You were walking on the broad and smooth way, but on the narrow mountain path that leads to the top of the mountain of the true knowledge, you have never set one foot.
171,24. Whoever, by acting according to the law, will not come on the top of the Mountain of the Lord and in God’s House or to the inner living Word from God, and will come to the living Word of God within him, will also not recognize the true, inner, living spirit of the law and the prophets.”
Chapter 172 – The Lord explains Isaiah’s images of the future
172,1. The scribe said: “But why did the prophets then talk and write in such a concealed way? I suppose that the most important for them was that their words could be understood by the people?”
172,2. I said: “These kind of objections were already made a few days ago on the Mount of Olives, and I have demonstrated to you how unfounded it is. So I do not have to repeat here what has already been said.
172,3. What kind of Word of God would that be, which has no inner meaning? Or can you imagine a human being without any bowels, or one who is so transparent as a drop of water so that his whole internal body could be seen? Something that we would – despite the artfulness of it – dislike very much.
172,4. Oh, do try, all of you, to think wisely. Nevertheless, I will now explain to you the obvious true meaning of the fourth verse of Isaiah. So be very attentive.
172,5. ‘The Lord’, who am I in the Word, ‘will judge the gentiles and punish many people.’
172,6. Who are the gentiles and who the people? The gentiles are all those who do not know the true God and instead of Him are worshiping and mostly honoring, dead idols and the mammon of this world. The Jews are surrounded by such people from all sides, and wherever you now also want to go in the world – to the morning, the noon or the evening – you will find nothing but all kind of different gentiles. However, you know that now from all sides of the world the gentiles of high and low rank and from close by and from far away have come to Me. They heard My Word and saw My signs, were filled with faith and accepted My teaching, and My Word is now judging them and putting them on trial, by which they cease from being gentiles and they pass over to the number of the blessed ones of God and to the number of the true people of God.
172,7. But they also will not remain like they are now instructed and educated, because soon false anointed men will arise among them who will also perform signs, will mislead kings and princes, will soon seize a great worldly power and will persecute with fire and sword those who do not want to follow them, and will finally split into many sects and parties. And these are then the many people who I as Lord will punish because of their lack of love, their falsehood, their selfishness, their pride, their obstinacy, their lust of power and their evil quarreling and mutual persecutions and wars. However, before that time will come, it still will take a while, as it lasted from Noah until now.
172,8. But as it was during the time of Noah when men were marrying and were giving into marriage, held big parties and feasts, let themselves be highly honored and wage destructive wars against those who did not want to bow down before their idols, so that soon the great flood came that drowned all those who committed evil, so also it will be in that future time. But then the Lord will come with the fire of His zeal and His wrath, and sweep away all the evildoers from the Earth.
172,9. Then it will happen that the pure and good men and the real friends of the truth and the light out of God who were spared, will make from their swords plowshares and from their spears sickles, and will give up the art of war completely. Then after that, no truly anointed people will lift up the sword against another anymore, except still some remaining gentiles somewhere in the deserts of the Earth. But also these will be admonished and after that be swept off the Earth.
172,10. Then the Earth will be blessed again. Its soil will bear a hundredfold fruit of everything, and the elders will be given the power over all the elements.
172,11. Look, this is how, spiritually seen, the fourth verse for this Earth has to be understood, which was for you as scribe so very incomprehensible.
172,12. But behind this natural, true, spiritual meaning lies a still hidden, deeper pure spiritual and heavenly meaning, but that you, with your still pure worldly intellect cannot understand, and that also cannot be expressed into words. However, if you will be on the Mountain of the Lord and will have entered into the House of God, and then will come out of the house of Jacob – like the prophet is speaking about it in the short fifth verse – only then will you walk in the true light of the Spirit out of God. (Isaiah 2:5). Do tell Me now if you have understood this better now than at first.”
Chapter 174 – Explanation of Isaiah 2, 6-22. Mercy. Revelations of the new Light.
174,1. I said: “Good then, so listen further to the Word. The words of the prophet are as follows:
174,2. ‘You, Lord, have nevertheless permitted that Your people have abandoned the house of Jacob, because Your nations are now worse than the foreigners from the east. They also are now committing sorcery just like the Philistines, and from the children of the foreigners they are accepting many as their own. Their country is full of silver and gold, and there is no end to their treasures, and their country is also full of horses, and there is no end to their chariots. Also, their country is full of idols, and they, the people, are worshipping the work of their hands, which their fingers have made. For that, the people are bowing down and for that, the nobleman is humbling down. That, You, o Lord, will not forgive. You faithless people, go then to the rocks of the mountains and hide yourselves in the earth, for fear of the Lord and for His lovely majesty.’ (Isaiah 2:6-10).
174,3. These 5 verses belong together because they show the miserable state of the church or God’s house on Earth. And this applies as well to the Jews who were here before this time, as to those who will come after us.
174,4. The laziness in the execution of God’s commandments is however the reason why I permit that My people leave the house of Jacob on the Mountain of the Lord and is precisely doing what the most rude and laziest nations are doing, who are dwelling in the eastern countries as wild animals.
174,5. And what the Pharisees are doing, as well as the Jews, the descendants will do also. They will set up many days to which they will attribute special power and influence, and whoever will go against it, will be persecuted by them with fire and sword. They will also practice divination. For money they will predict happiness and misfortune to the people, and by that, they will let themselves be extremely honored and be paid, because such a useless work is finally more profitable than with the plowshare and the sickle.
174,6. To increase their income that they are earning with their useless work, they will, just like the Pharisees now, send out their messengers throughout the whole world, and will make the foreigners as their own children. Those were already as dark gentiles good for nothing. But when then they will adopt the real worldly doctrine of the Philistines, they will become even a 100 times worse than what they already were. For this reason, their dark country will be filled with silver and gold, and their hunger for the treasures of this world will know no end, and have no purpose, nor their lust of power and war – what the prophet is expressing in the image of the horses and the countless chariots. Also, their territory over which they are ruling will be full of idol statues and temples, like with Solomon the wise one, who also started this way. Despite the personal warning of God he let idol temples be constructed around Jerusalem for his foreign women. Before the idol statues, those blind fools will bow down, and the work of their own hands and fingers they will worship in the foolish belief that God will be pleased with it. And whoever will not do that, will be persecuted unto life and death. Because many kings, in order to give their throne more luster, will support the nonsense of the worldly Philistines, and will persecute with fire and sword the friends of Light and the living Truth of which there are always only a few.
174,7. And see, then the Lord will come and punish those nations who have seduced so many people in His name.
174,8. Then the true, living Light will suddenly appear from all sides, and the friends of the night will be defeated forever. They will flee to the rocks indeed (to the great and mighty of the Earth) and will bury themselves under their infertile soil, out of fear for the Truth and the majesty of the Lord. But this will be of little help to them.
174,9. Because now speaks the prophet further again and says loudly: ‘For, all high eyes (pride to rule) will be humiliated and all high lords will have to bow down, because in that time only the Lord will be high and continue eternally forever and ever! (Isaiah 2:11). Because the day (light) of the Lord Zebaoth will walk over all that is proud and high and most of all over all that has been exalted in the world in order to humiliate it. (Isaiah 2:12). So, also over all the proud cedars of the Lebanon (priests) and over all oaks in Basan (most important pillars of the priesthood of idolatry during all times). (Isaiah 2:13). Over all high mountains (rulers) and over all exalted hills (all courtiers). (Isaiah 2:14). Over all high towers (generals) and over all strong walls (armies). (Isaiah 2:15). Also over all the ships on sea (those who are controlling the rudder of the state) and over all the – according to worldly standards – important work (the big national industry). (Isaiah 2:16). And that will happen in order to let everything bow down what is high for the people, and to humiliate all high-ranked people, so that in that time only the Lord will be high. (Isaiah 2:17). In that time the idols will be completely finished. (Isaiah 2:18). Yes, then also, one will go into the rocky caverns and in the canyons of the Earth (hidden places of the mammon), and this out of fear for the Lord and for His lovely majesty (the light of the eternal truth), when He will prepare Himself to frighten the Earth (punishments). (Isaiah 2:19). Yes, in that time everyone will throw away his silver and golden idol statues in the holes of the moles and the bats (Isaiah 2:20) – which idol statues he made for himself to worship – to crawl away easier into the clefts of the rock and canyons out of fear for the Lord and for His lovely majesty, when He will prepare Himself to frighten the Earth. (Isaiah 2:21). But that will be of no use to anyone. Therefore, leave such man alone who has breath in his nose (breath in the nose refers to worldly pride), because you do not know how high – worldly speaking – he can be.’ (Isaiah 2:22).
174,10. Well, here you have now the easy to understand whole explanation of the second chapter of the prophet Isaiah. The last verses you easily can explain yourselves, once you have well understood the meaning of the first ones.
174,11. But I tell you that it really will happen within a short time and then again entirely after about 1.900 years, because when man will have been given a complete freedom of will then in My decree there is no other way to successfully counteract from time to time the human laziness than only this one, because that laziness is the root of all sins and vices. Did you all understand this very well?
174,12. Now this will produce less joy in you, and even less for the future nations when this message will be given to them again in their great misery and during the time when one nation will rise against the other to destroy it. But the following chapter will give us more light.
174,13. But tell Me now how you have understood this very important matter. I say ‘very important’ because as My future followers I want to especially emphasize that you and your disciples should guard yourselves against laziness. Now speak about the spirit that you have met in Isaiah. After that we will pass over without difficulty to the third chapter.”
174,14. The disciples and also the others who were present said unanimously: “Lord, whatever You order, will and permit is certainly good, wise and just, because You as Creator and Master of men and all things in the world know best of all what is best for men anyway. If silver, gold, precious stones and beautiful pearls were completely harmful for Your people then You would not have created such evil things.
174,15. Who, besides You, knows if without those exciting matters, men would not have become much lazier than they are already now with all those countless excitements, and in course of time will even become worse. However, if a lot of people, out of a too great love for these excitements, will become true devils among men because they let themselves be blinded by the false glitter of the gold, then You still have an infinite number of ways to chastise them by those that are in Your service. And so, we are of the opinion that at the end of the times of the world everything will still have a good ending according to Your secret, eternal decree.
174,16. We, as Your chosen disciples, will certainly do our utmost best, according to Your decree, to encourage the people to be active in the right way, and to inspire and to stir them up for it. If in the course of time they will also be equally careful with their descendants, is of course a very important different question. But then, You Yourself will surely let everything happen in such a way that it will be for the best of the people, be it wars, epidemics, high cost of living, famine or peace, good health and blessed fruitful years and times. And with this we now have openly expressed our opinion to You, o Lord, and we ask You to continue with the explanation of the prophet.”
174,17. I said: “This time I am completely satisfied with what you have all said, and because you have well understood the explanation of the second chapter of the prophet we simply can now also continue to the third chapter. So listen to Me.”
Chapter 175 – Explanation of the third chapter of Isaiah. The situation of an organized community.
175,1. Also in this following chapter the prophecy is for now and for the coming times of which I have spoken.
175,2. The first verse of the prophet has a deep meaning and goes like this: ‘Look, the Lord, Lord Zebaoth will take away out of Jerusalem all kinds of provisions, and also out of the whole of Judah the total provision of bread and the whole provision of water’. (Isaiah 3:1).
175,3. Here, by Jerusalem must be understood the present-day Jewry, just as it is now and already has been for a long time. By Judah must be understood the future generations that then, by accepting My teaching, will be counted to the tribe of Judah. Because of their laziness they will undergo the same fate in a much greater measure as now the Jews in a smaller measure.
175,4. By the taking away of the provision of bread you must understand the taking away of love and mercy, and by the taking away of the provision of water, the taking away of the true wisdom out of God. And the result thereof will be that all of them will come on a wrong track, and their soul will be in darkness, and nobody will be able to give counsel to another. And even if somebody would give counsel to another, then the one who needed counsel and light will still not trust him and say: ‘What are you talking to me about the light while you yourself are in the same darkness as I am.’ The fact that the people will then by their own fault – because of their laziness – become totally without help, is accurately described by the prophet with the following words:
175,5. ‘Thus will be taken away the strong ones and warriors, judges, prophets, fortunetellers and elders (Isaiah 3:2), counselors and wise workers, and eloquent orators, and headmen over 50, and also honest people (3:3).’
175,6. I am mentioning here on purpose the headmen and the honest people as last instead of in the beginning of the third verse, and I have My reason for this. Listen now to the explanation.
175,7. Who are the strong ones and the warriors? These are such people like once David was, full of faith and trust in Me, and the warriors are those people who consent to be totally inspired by faith and trust in the One, to always conquer all the enemies of what is good and true from God – even if they are so many.
175,8. When there will be a complete lack of living water out of the Heavens, and all flesh, together with its soul, are in the thickest of darkness, who will then deal with the people as a true and righteous judge? Who will have the gift of prophecy? And even if someone still possesses it for himself, who will then, without inner understanding believe that it is true? Who will be able to prophesy for the blind and deaf? And who will be chosen by dark mankind as a true elder because of his outstanding wisdom in order to make him their shepherd? Now, understand this well.
175,9. The one from whom – spiritually speaking – has been taken away bread and water, has lost by that everything, because the one who has been punished and chastised by God with spiritual blindness, has been punished and chastised the most severely. Because by that he has lost everything, and he is completely in despair and helpless. This is then also the ultimate means by which the laziness of the people that took a too great dominion, and all their vices can be fought against in the best way.
175,10. The fact that the people will be in the greatest misery by the taking away of the spiritual bread and water, and by that, the things that still will be taken away from them, the prophet explains further in the third verse, where he explicitly says: ‘By that, the people will have to miss the counselors’ or those who give counsel, ‘and wise workers’ in all branches of human necessities, thus also intelligent speakers, who otherwise would have accomplished a lot of good with their wisdom.
175,11. However, the worst of all that, is the taking away of the, say, 50 headmen which is taking place at the same time. Who are the 50 and what has the figure 50 to do with it? This we will perceive right away.
175,12. If we imagine a big and completely organized community of people, then since ancient times it has – if it wants to be well taken care of in everything – in total 50 main regions where it has to provide in their necessities of life. Whatever is above that, stands already for pride, and everything that is less stands for weakness, need and poverty. However, in order to provide efficiently and to take care of each separate branch of these life necessities there must also be a clever captain as foreman and leader in charge, who from A to Z must be well acquainted with everything that is necessary in the whole system. If such a one is not present and someone incompetent stands in his place, then the whole branch of life necessities will soon carry bad or even no more fruits at all for the community.
175,13. How then will a big community be able to stand if by its laziness and negligence finally has lost all of the 50 headmen? I tell you: in the same manner as the community of Jews nowadays, where only certain thieves and robbers are still possessing something and who fatten and enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, but where thousands are helplessly pining away in the deepest of poverty. Because where is the wise captain who would take care of them and who would give them in one way or another a certain job and bread? Look, in a lot of areas a head is missing, and so also all the other things are not present. There are still certain headmen to direct different areas, but this they are not doing for the people but for oneself, and therefore they are only thieves and robbers and no real headmen like at the time of My judges.
175,14. Now you have seen how the outer and inner well being of the people of a big community depends on the head leaders in the different areas of life necessities. But on who then depends in the first place the right organization of the named head leaders in a big community of people, in a country that is governed by a prince or king? Look, it only depends on a wise king.
175,15. But then, what does our prophet say? What will the Lord do further on with the lazy, god-forsaken communities?
175,16. Listen, his words are as follows: ‘I, says the Lord, will give them young men to be their princes, and silly men will rule over them. (Isaiah 3:4). And among the people one will suck out the other. Everyone, even his neighbor, and the young one will exalt himself above the elder and a worthless, dishonest man above an honest one.’ (Isaiah 3:5).
175,17. The words of the prophet are here of itself so clear and plain that they do not need another explanation. I can only show you the great and clear visible very bad results, although these also can easily be discovered by itself. Once all life-conditions will come into the greatest disorder by such confusion, and when, because of the need, all the people of the community will become very discontented, then also will arise one merciless rebellion after another. The people will awaken and stand up, and are chasing away the princes and selfish headmen, or even strangle them. And this is what is meant when one says: ‘One nation wars against another’.
175,18. Thanks to his lazy nature, man permits any pressure as long as he, in his blindness, can still fill his stomach, no matter with what kind of meager food, but once also this is ceasing and he is facing only starvation, then he wakes up and turns into a starved enraged hyena. And it must come to that point, so that mankind will wake up.”
Chapter 176 – The downfall of the false religious systems explained from Isaiah 3, 6-27.
176,1. But then everything is destroyed and thrown down. Whosoever can be falsely accused that he also – by his own merciless selfishness – has contributed to the general misfortune of the nations, will unfortunately fall victim to the revenge of the common people. But then what? Then the people have no leader at all, not a good one nor a bad one. They are in total anarchy, where ultimately everybody can do what he wants. However, another one, who is stronger, can also punish him at his heart’s desire.
176,2. Then the wise men come together and say: ‘This cannot be, it cannot continue like that. We, who are wiser and mightier men will work together and bring the people to vote for a wise chief. And it will be an exalted house that will accommodate two brothers with much recognition and experience.’ What will happen next? The prophet will tell us precisely. And what does the prophet say?
176,3. Listen. He says: ‘Then one brother will grab the other out of his brothers’ house and will say: ‘You have clothes (knowledge and experience), be you our ruler and help us during this downfall.’ (Isaiah 3:6). But then he will say and swear: ‘Listen, I am no doctor, and there is no bread (the goodness of faith) or clothing (true faith) in my house. Therefore, do not make me a ruler of the people.’ (Verse 7). Because Jerusalem is ripe and falls down, and Judah (the later time) is also fallen. Because their language and their deeds are against the Lord, because they oppose the eyes of His majesty (the light of His wisdom). (Verse 8). That is visible and known to everybody. Their nature is not hidden because they are boasting about their sin, just like in Sodom and Gomorrah, and they are brutal and they do not even hide. Woe unto their souls! Because with that, they have thrown themselves completely into their ruin.’ (Verse 9).
176,4. But the chosen Prince – who could also possibly be I Myself – says further: ‘Go and preach first to the righteous, so that they may become good, then they will eat the fruit of their works. (Verse 10). However, woe unto the lazy and ungodly, because they are wicked at all times, and unto them will be rewarded according to their works and as they have deserved it! (Verse 11). Listen, for this reason, children are the princes of My people, and even women are ruling over them. My people, your (wrong) comforters are misleading you (think about Rome) and are destroying the way that you have to go. (Verse 12).
176,5. But the Lord stands there to pronounce justice and has now come up to judge the people. (Verse 13). And the Lord comes to administer justice with the elders of His people (the Scriptures) and with His princes (those who, in the last time, have been awakened for life). For you (Pharisees and Romans) have destroyed the vineyard, and what has been robbed from the poor is in your house. (Verse 14).
176,6. Why do you trample down My people, and why do you mistreat all those who are miserable? Thus speaks the Lord now with great seriousness. (Verse 15).
176,7. And the Lord continues to speak: Because the daughters of Zion are proud (the false teaching of the whore of Babel) and walk with a stretched-out neck and a face with make-up, walking proudly (haughty), wag the tail (like a hungry dog), wearing at their feet expensive shoes (verse 16), the Lord will shave the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion to baldness (take away the reasoning), and with that, He will take away their only and best jewel. (Verse 17).
176,8. In that time the Lord will take away the jewelry of their expensive shoes (those who believe blindly), and the ribbons (faithful followers), and the buckles (the different assemblies) (verse 18), the chains, the bracelets and the caps (the superstitious craft-guilds) (verse 19), the tinsels, the ornamental borders, all golden strings, musk, earrings (verse 20), rings and hair ribbons (verse 21), feast clothes, coats, veils and the (big) purses (verse 22), mirrors, capes, laces and the blouses (all of the glittering ceremony of the whore of Babel). (Verse 23). Then the sweet smell will become a stench, the good girdle a loose string, curled hair (serpent-like cunning of the whore of Babel) a baldhead, and her wide coat will become a narrow sack. And all this will come instead of the presumed beauty. (Verse 24).
176,9. Your mob will fall by the sword, and your warriors will fall in battle. (Verse 25). And her gates will weep and lament (because nobody wants to go inside anymore), and she will sit pitifully upon the ground. (Verse 26). Then, in that time, men will be so few that 7 women will take hold of 1 man (or out of the 7 sacraments there will be only 1) and they will say: We will feed and clothe ourselves, but let us carry your name, so that our dishonor will be taken away from us.’ (Verse 27).
176,10. And look, My friends. What the prophet has said, will certainly be fulfilled, as sure and true as I have told you now Myself. Because the people cannot bear the truth for a longer time, become tired and always sink back again into their old judgment and death-bringing laziness. And then there is truly nothing else that can be done but, through the most extreme ways, awaken the people again and of old, bring them once more upon the ways and mountain paths of light and life.
176,11. Therefore, I am saying to you once more: above all, warn the people against spiritual laziness, for with this will start all evil things of which the prophet has spoken, and I must unfortunately permit them. Think about it, then we will talk about it again in the inn. And now we soon will also go to that place, because we still will have a lot of things to do this night.”
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1 day agoTARIFF TRADE WAR! | LIVE FROM AMERICA 2.3.25 11am
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The Dana Show with Dana Loesch
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Major League Fishing
5 days agoLIVE! - Bass Pro Tour: Stage 1 - Day 4
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The Dan Bongino Show
7 hours agoTrump Is Setting The Old World Order Ablaze (Ep. 2414) - 02/03/2025
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The Rubin Report
4 hours agoJD Vance Makes Host Go Quiet with This Brutal Warning for These Major Countries