Night Sermon of Jesus... Love-Activity is the Soul's Heart Pulse-Beat ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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Revealed from Jesus Christ by the inner Word thru Jacob Lorber

Love-Activity is the Pulse-Beat of the Soul’s Heart

GEJ1 – Chapter 219 to 221 – The Night-Sermon of Jesus

Introductory information

This incident, transmitted by Jesus Christ to Jakob Lorber, is not mentioned in the Bible. In a place called Kis, the Lord heals many sick people, all at the same time. The Pharisees who accompanied the sick see in Jesus, at least for the time being, an Essene, but not the Lord.

Chapter 219 – The positive spiritual Purpose of Adversity and Suffering

1. Ahab (a faithful Pharisee) said the following after supper: “It goes without saying that I am aware of Your nature since Jesaira, and, in my opinion, there was no need for such immense signs for either myself, or the likes of me, to convince us all abundantly that You are Jehovah Himself, acting through a physical body, borrowed as it were from this Earth. But I am curious about whether the 5 Pharisees, seemingly upright people, in all earnest do or do not sense who the One who healed their sick in a truly miraculous way might be. If they had but the faintest idea, they would have to comprehend that no ordinary human could ever possibly accomplish this. In my opinion, one should go and sniff them out a little, then it should quickly become clear what they actually think of You.”

2. Say I (Jesus): “Friend, surely you do not doubt that I would know what they think of Me; so I don’t consider it necessary to interrupt them in their deliberations. On top of that, tomorrow is another day as well, on which many an initiative can be taken in that respect. Let us leave them to some proper fermentation overnight, for just like cider needs fermenting to become a spiritual wine, so does every manís disposition need fermenting, if he is to transcend to the truly spiritual.

3. For you see, if a man possesses everything he needs, he feels quite snug. He cares about nothing, he does no work, he takes it easy and inquires little about the existence of God or life after death, or whether man is more than an animal, or vice versa. Mountains and valleys are the all same to him, winter and summer don’t concern him, for in summer he has shade and cooling baths, and in winter he has nicely heated fireplaces and warm clothing.

4. As such, he does not care whether the year was plentiful or not, because firstly, he is provided with all kinds of supplies for ten years, and secondly, he has plenty of money to buy anything he requires.

5. You see, such a man then lives just as leisurely as a fattened ox in the stable, and does not think much more than an ox as well, and therefore he is no more than a hedonistic animal in human form.

6. If you were to come across such a man, to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to him, he would do to you what the ox in the stable does to the blowfly, disturbing him in his indulgence: The ox swings its tail over the intruder, and the latter has to take to his heels quickly in order to not be killed, or at least severely injured.

7. Behold, such a carefree glutton will instruct his servants, who are really no more than the hedonists’ fly-repelling tail, to chase you away. You will obviously quickly take to your heels, and only from a safe distance can you contemplate the effect your preaching had on the glutton.

8. But I know how to give such oxen quite a different introductory sermon. I let one earthly accident after another befall them. This fills them with all sorts of troubles and fears, causing them to think, to seek, and to find out how it is possible for them to now be so hard pressed from all sides, since they had never been unjust to anyone, having always lived as orderly and respectable citizens.

9. However, all of it happens to facilitate the necessary fermentation.

10. And so, when such people undergo a proper fermentation, they long for friends who could bring them comfort. Go to them and preach the Gospel; they will hear you out and not raise their furiously swinging tails against you.

11. And so you see, for this exact reason it is good for these guests to undergo a real fermentation this night; this will make them more spiritual internally, and tomorrow we will have easy work with them. Do you understand this?”


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