2 years agoIm Gespräch: Thomas Röper (“Inside Corona – Die Pandemie, das Netzwerk & die Hintermänner”)Apolut
3 years agoComN_1:Policía Nal Col:cambio uniforme a la luz de globalización y la llamada ideología neoliberal.El Magazine Integral De El Escorpión Rojo
2 years ago問問真正的頂尖專家吧!全球醫生和多位醫療從業者對新冠疫苗的毒害發出最嚴厲的警告! Ask The REAL Experts! Scientists from worldwide warn about the LETHAL consequences of the Covid Vaccines!Covid Vaccines Truth 新冠疫苗真相揭露 | 666獸印 | 疫苗護照|ID2020|5G病毒|變種病毒 @ 香港耶路撒冷Hong Kong Jerusalem
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2 years agoBill Gates heeft aangezet tot het plegen van massamoord met vaccins! VOORKOM DIT! DOE AANGIFTE!PerfectSociety
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