The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 85 - Watchman Report 8 - The Continuing Roman "Corona" Farce!

4 years ago

The history making "Corona" virus FAKE pandemic continues to shatter lives all over the world 8 months on. This Jesuit "Medical Inquisition" will be used to usher in the Mark of the Beast 3 in 1 ID2020 DNA vaccine and the rule of the final Papal antichrist! In this report i look at the way Roman media propaganda takes control over the lives of billions who sit glued to their TV sets and believe the lies from their Roman proxy governments. This virus event could not continue if people had not been conditioned to believe their governments were beneficial and to be obeyed at all cost. Rome uses fear and intimidation to enforce voluntary compliance with its fascist program of world control. What is happening is frightening to watch unless you know Jesus Christ and you know that this prophetic event must take place and bring this age to an end!

Learn more at:

The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 77 - "The Mark Of The Beast - A Watchman Report 5

W.H.O. says COVID-19 pandemic 'accelerating' - June 19, 2020

2nd wave of COVID-19 a ‘statistical certainty:’ Gabriel Leung - June 21, 2020

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