The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 78 - The Jesuit's "Cold War" Inquisition!

4 years ago

The "Cold War" is a mystery to most people even though it occurred within recent memory. Why is that? Reading the textbook histories one gets the feeling that something is just "not right" about the reasons given for this period of history. Digging deeper we discover the very "sinister" and "shadowy" hidden hand of the Jesuit Military Order of Rome directing major world events from behind the scenes. What once appeared to be a serendipitous series of events between world powers now becomes a "planned" and controlled operation to "fabricate" a narrative causing fear in the peoples of the nations. By creating hostile sides from "opposing" ideologies and the false "perception" that the world is divided and always one step away from "Nuclear Annihilation" the Jesuits of Rome set about to socially engineer world citizens toward a "Humanistic" ONE WORLD hive mind loyal to the final Papal Caesar Antichrist ruler of the world! The Cold War is a psychological operation never before witnessed in human history and was engineered to move the world toward the final ONE WORLD "BEAST" GOVERNMENT prophesied in the book of Revelation. For three generations the minds of men have been prepared to accept and take the "Mark of the Beast" 3 in 1 ID2020 DNA smart vaccine and pledge allegiance to the final Roman tyrant world dictator, the Son of Satan!

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