GOLD | Bank of America Issues Warning of a U.S. Dollar Collapse + "U.S. Dollar Death Spiral ‘Crisis’ Fears Grow After Bank Of America Issues Shocking $1 TRILLION Every 100 Days"
Meet the New Master, Same as the Old - Rothschild Petrodollar Swindle Global Control Mechanism Controlled Collapse Accelerating in 2024, For Replacement by Rothschild New World Order Global BRICS Control Mechanism. The Fuse Has Been Lit - Andy Schectman
Dollar Collapse | "Just Since the Beginning of the Biden Administration the Cost of Living Is Up 30%. I Think the Entire Banking System Is Insolvent." - Peter Schiff (4/29/2024) Putin Seizes $440 Million from JP Morgan
Dollar Collapse | "A Decline of the Dollar Is Necessary. China Will Emerge As Motor Replacing the U.S. Consumer." - George Soros (2009) Dollar Collapse Imminent? Lockdowns Coming Back? "The COVID-19 Vaccines Cause AIDS!" - Dr. Zelenko
GOLD | "What's the Worse Case And We Get Close to Financial Collapse And It's A Certain Bank That Goes Down? Ok, the Law Still Applies, Everyone That Has An Account There Gets Bailed In." - David Morgan + What Are Bail-Ins?
The Great Reset | Have We Lost Medical Freedom In the U.S.? Will America's Doctors Speak Out Against Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari & The Great Reset? + Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank & First Republic Bank Collapse
Mel K | Is Worldwide De-Dollarization Happening NOW? The Connection Between the Down Losing 9% of Its Value In September, Gold-Backed Currencies, BRICS, China, Russia, Putin, the Bank of England Financial Collapse and BIS Upgrades of Gold as Tier 1 Asset