Collapse – Full Movie – Michael Ruppert – March 2009

1 year ago

This movie provides a deeper understanding of the world we find ourselves in and the disintegration of the systems on which it runs. The unbelievable life and death of Michael C. Ruppert. After decades of struggle, the notorious doomsayer finally found fame and recognition. Then he shot himself. Conclusion –MURDERED by the GOVERNMENT!

This man Mike Ruppert, RIP, is one of those whose photo is next to the word bravery in the dictionary. This film more or less gives insight into why the NWO power structure are currently reeling in humanity's consumerism and resource consumption. I believe they had the coronavirus red herring planned as a cover many years ago, to be used as a red herring to cover for 5G Telecom frequency. They new because every time "they" introduce a major change in frequency they follow it up with a vaccine. Hegelian dialectic... since most of what humanity are reliant upon is oil and other resources most of which are finite. The constant fracking and drilling of Earth cannot continue at the rate humanity were operating at.

Basic review of Collapse as I listen, my notes in parentheses:

Peak oil at about 5:00 to 11:00. All plastic is oil, all pesticides are made from oil. Seven gallons of oil in one tire. Peak oil in terms of a bell curve, peak oil is at the top of the bell curve, we have used half the oil on planet Earth. Eight million barrels per day we were producing, we, humanity. Oil production is no longer sustainable. (some people argue this and claim that we can make our own oil now. That may be possible. How much does it cost to make oil? Is it the same chemical property consistency as "regular" mined oil? Maybe it's time to review the gasoline combustion engine. Has it served its purpose to advance humanity? At a cost to the planet. So now that we see the damage it has caused we should move forward focusing on planetary preservation, reduced mining with a focus on "renewable", "recyclable", materials. Example, the Mr. Fusion device in the movie Back to the Future. Energy from trash with a non toxic byproduct.)


Ethanol at 17:00. Not sustainable. (Well I don't know why, it seems to be all the midwest USA grow these days. WTF are Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois doing with so much damn corn? Eating it? Now wonder they are so sick. White man can't do corn. Skip the corn eat some pears or rye instead.)

Coal at 20:00. Not sustainable, very messy, look at China's pollution from coal. (True, coal burners stink like shit, especially those selfish unconscious diesel coal rolling idiots. Rollin coal bro derp derp as he leaves his kids and friends children with a atmospheres of coal to breath. lol *facepalm*)

At 29:00 Mike talks about US Col. Jim Sabow being suicided by the CIA in 1993 for realizing their drug trafficking operation at the military base. See more here in this presentation packed with light bulb-illuminating information:

At 31:00 Mike talks about mysterious military deaths including a congressman.

Pat Tilman at 32:00

At 34:00 Pressure from dick[head] cheney, rumsfeld and bush for the investigative work he was exposing.

Ay 37:00 the fiat currency money economic paradigm. When the British pound was a sterling pound because it was actually silver. You cannot print any more money than there is energy to back it up, it's that simple. And he's correct.

Unless we, the USA, backed our currency by the agriculture industry, but the US agriculture industry is pitiful for 300,000,000 people. Most of the US budget is spent on "defense" or rather war mongering/imperialism by the MIC and NWO.

At 38:00 Fractional reserve banking.

At 43:00 Mike addresses the conspiracy topic. Have I ever been called a conspiracy theorist? Of course, but I deal in conspiracy fact.

A man after my own heart.

At 47:00 this many people on Earth presently only because of oil discovery and usage.

At 55:00 he addresses saving organic seeds and growing food. None of that Monsanto frankenseed bullshit, organic seeds. He is 100% correct. That's how we survive and take back our power from the NWO bank cartel. Grow food, specifically alkaline food. None of this corn bullshit, or soy poison.

1:06:00, Capitalism, socialism, and communism all terms that need to be tossed in the trash because they are created on the assumption of infinite resources.

At 1:11:00 he talks about the president being a slave, which is more or less true. A puppet really, to the powers that [shouldn't] be.

At 1:16:00 he talks about the atom bomb.

SOURCE: Direct Mirror from: Alkaline777 --

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