Meet the New Master, Same as the Old - Rothschild Petrodollar Swindle Global Control Mechanism Controlled Collapse Accelerating in 2024, For Replacement by Rothschild New World Order Global BRICS Control Mechanism. The Fuse Has Been Lit - Andy Schectman

9 months ago

Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Andy Schectman, President and Owner of Miles Franklin, who discusses the official addition of five new members to the BRICS bloc as of January 1st. Schectman warns that the expanded alliance, which includes Saudi Arabia, accelerates the collapse of the petrodollar and ultimately leads to the demise of the dollar as the global reserve currency. He explores why countries are dumping U.S. debt and stockpiling gold. Schectman also gives his outlook on the BRICS common currency and shares his forecasts on gold and Bitcoin.

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