David Haggith: Collapse, Global Digital Currency, & Armageddon. Geopolitics & Empire 8-19

6 months ago

David Haggith: Collapse, Global Digital Currency, & Armageddon. Geopolitics & Empire 8-19-2024
August 19th, 2024
Geopolitics & Empire
David Haggith discusses the state of the economy, inflation, the Fed, and the stealth recession that is already underway. He agrees that the outcome is neo-feudalism and the purpose of importing so many illegal aliens is to create a permanent dystopian peasant class. David doesn't believe BRICS will supplant the dollar. Collapse might bring about a new global digital currency. We ponder life in the Algorithm Ghetto and discuss the Armageddon scenario in Israel.
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About David Haggith
David Haggith is the publisher/editor-in-chief of The Daily Doom where he writes on the economic, social and political news of our troubled times -- a non-partisan daily collection of the most consequential stories about our complex times from multiple sources around the world plus daily editorials.
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