1. 《 #避风港Haven》(330) #新闻分享 红十字会确认并 #不会根据新冠疫苗接种状态分离血液 #疫苗与病毒真相 #疫苗灾难排疫苗毒 #ccpvirus

    《 #避风港Haven》(330) #新闻分享 红十字会确认并 #不会根据新冠疫苗接种状态分离血液 #疫苗与病毒真相 #疫苗灾难排疫苗毒 #ccpvirus

  2. 《 #避风港Haven》(327) #新闻分享 文件显示美国NIH在2022年初突然 #停止回应因新冠疫苗接种而受到伤害的人 #疫苗与病毒真相 #疫苗灾难排疫苗毒 #ccpvirus

    《 #避风港Haven》(327) #新闻分享 文件显示美国NIH在2022年初突然 #停止回应因新冠疫苗接种而受到伤害的人 #疫苗与病毒真相 #疫苗灾难排疫苗毒 #ccpvirus

  3. 《 #避风港Haven》(328) #新闻分享 #mRNA疫苗刺突蛋白脱落 的科学与临床证据 #疫苗与病毒真相 #疫苗灾难排疫苗毒 #ccpvirus

    《 #避风港Haven》(328) #新闻分享 #mRNA疫苗刺突蛋白脱落 的科学与临床证据 #疫苗与病毒真相 #疫苗灾难排疫苗毒 #ccpvirus

  4. Marjorie Taylor Greene: The COVID vaccines have injured or killed tens of thousands of Americans!

    Marjorie Taylor Greene: The COVID vaccines have injured or killed tens of thousands of Americans!

  5. Dr McCullough: Our agencies and data show that COVID vaccines cause various diseases, such as cancer

    Dr McCullough: Our agencies and data show that COVID vaccines cause various diseases, such as cancer

  6. The CCP virus and vaccines are a tragic new type of war on humanity

    The CCP virus and vaccines are a tragic new type of war on humanity

  7. The differences between conventional vaccines and mRNA vaccines

    The differences between conventional vaccines and mRNA vaccines

  8. The CCP's Collection of American DNA is Part of a Criminal Conspiracy

    The CCP's Collection of American DNA is Part of a Criminal Conspiracy

  9. Dr. Ryan Cole: Since the rolling out of the COVID vaccines, we’ve seen a huge spike in cancer cases

    Dr. Ryan Cole: Since the rolling out of the COVID vaccines, we’ve seen a huge spike in cancer cases

  10. Has the CCP just released another major CCP virus?

    Has the CCP just released another major CCP virus?

  11. Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals.

    Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals.

  12. Rubio: The world deserves to know the real origin of the disease that has caused so much suffering

    Rubio: The world deserves to know the real origin of the disease that has caused so much suffering

  13. The CCP is funding all this terrorism around the world

    The CCP is funding all this terrorism around the world

  14. 3 key elements to control humankind in the future - AI, vaccines, and crypto currency.

    3 key elements to control humankind in the future - AI, vaccines, and crypto currency.

  15. Bret Weinstein: We are facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty.

    Bret Weinstein: We are facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty.

  16. Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

    Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

  17. Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

    Miles Guo revealed the evil force who the CCP colluds with in the West, and their ultimate goals

  18. Miles Guo: The CCP's war is essentially racial

    Miles Guo: The CCP's war is essentially racial

  19. The death per million COVID vaccine injections is 55 fold higher than that of the flu vaccine

    The death per million COVID vaccine injections is 55 fold higher than that of the flu vaccine

  20. 53% of Americans think COVID vaccines are causing serious injuries, causing “unexplained deaths”

    53% of Americans think COVID vaccines are causing serious injuries, causing “unexplained deaths”

  21. A paper published in Military Medicine concluded that the COVID virus is indeed a bioweapon

    A paper published in Military Medicine concluded that the COVID virus is indeed a bioweapon

  22. Peer-reviewed papers show spike protein causes unusual blood clots and various diseases

    Peer-reviewed papers show spike protein causes unusual blood clots and various diseases

  23. The CCP want to take down America by destroying US dollar, creating COVID & causing vaccine disaster

    The CCP want to take down America by destroying US dollar, creating COVID & causing vaccine disaster

  24. 🛑 🛑 🛑 Timeline of NFSC About the CCP Virus And COVID Vaccine Disaster Warning

    🛑 🛑 🛑 Timeline of NFSC About the CCP Virus And COVID Vaccine Disaster Warning

  25. The injuries, disabilities, and deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines have been underestimated!

    The injuries, disabilities, and deaths caused by COVID-19 vaccines have been underestimated!
