Miles Guo: The CCP's war is essentially racial

1 month ago

【Miles Guo on the CCP Waging a Racial War】
The CCP's war is essentially racial. Officials use inflammatory rhetoric to incite racial tensions. The COVID-19 virus also has racial implications and could become a tool for genocide.
#genocide #ccpvirus #covidtruth #racialwar #biowar #whiterace #ccptactics #ccpagenda #mileswarned #evilccp
#MilesGuo #TakeDownTheCCP
中共的战争本质上是种族战争。官员们使用煽动性言论煽动种族紧张关系。COVID-19 病毒也具有种族含义,可能成为种族灭绝的工具。
#种族灭绝 #种族战争 #中共病毒 #病毒真相 #生化战争 #中共策略 #灭白计划 #中共计划 #文贵爆料 #郭文贵 #中共必灭 #邪恶中共

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