53% of Americans think COVID vaccines are causing serious injuries, causing “unexplained deaths”

1 year ago

1/12/2024 【Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines: Part II】Dr. Peter McCullough:
53% of Americans think COVID vaccines are causing serious injuries, leading to numerous “unexplained deaths”; the number of myocarditis cases in the US before the pandemic was roughly 200 to 400 cases in the whole country per year; now I am seeing myocarditis on a daily basis. When there's a general death that occurred in a vaccinated patient, data suggest that 74% was due to myocarditis. If an autopsy were done, it would confirm that the vaccine was the cause of death.
#CCPVirus #COVIDvaccine
1/12/2024【COVID-19 疫苗造成伤害听证会】皮特·麦卡洛医生:53%的美国人认为新冠疫苗导致了严重伤害,导致大量“不明原因死亡”!新冠大流行之前,美国全国每年大约只有200到400例心肌炎病例,现在我每天都能见到心肌炎患者。接种者发生一般性死亡的情况下,数据显示大约74%可能是由于心肌炎导致的。如果进行尸检,将证实新冠疫苗是死因!
#中共病毒 #新冠疫苗

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