Peer-reviewed papers show spike protein causes unusual blood clots and various diseases

8 months ago

1/12/2024 【Hearing on Injuries Caused By COVID-19 Vaccines: Part II】Dr. Peter McCullough: Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID vaccines install the genetic code of the spike protein, the lethal part of the virus, into the body, and there is no knowledge of how to turn it off; The spike protein has been shown by over 3400 peer-reviewed papers to cause unusual blood clots in the body and lead to various diseases.
#CCP #CCPVirus #COVIDvaccine
1/12/2024【COVID-19 疫苗造成伤害听证会】彼得麦卡洛博士:辉瑞和莫德纳的新冠疫苗将病毒的致命部分,即刺突蛋白的基因代码植入体内,目前尚不知道如何将其关闭;已有超过3400篇同行评审的论文表明,刺突蛋白在体内会引发异常的血栓,并导致各种疾病。
#中共 #中共病毒 #新冠疫苗

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